Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Things I Like

  • My principal just brought me one of the little "angels" from downstairs (6th grade) to watch b/c he's had some behavior issues and the 5th & 6th grade resource teacher is at a meeting.  I could have thought of this negatively, but instead I noticed the positive.  She told me that it would give us some time to bond since he will be with me next year.  The key word in that statement is next year.  I'm always looking for references from her as to whether or not she sees me in the future of CMS, so this statement (simple as it was) made my day! :)
  • He's being soooo good for me.  I can't believe he was having a bad day elsewhere!  He's got a smart little mouth, but it didn't take me 5 minutes to kill it with kindness and laughter.
  • My professor from my WAY hard class that I was WAY behind on told me that as long as all discussions and assignments were in by the end of the term she wouldn't count against me that they weren't turned in on their original due dates...this was very much a relief since I had SO much job stuff going on last week that I didn't accomplish much.
  • I couldn't do this whole full time career plus full time grad student thing without Jay Wesley (this probably won't be the only time ya'll hear this from me, but its the truth).  He's my rock.    He is so supportive, and helps with things like washing the dishes, making beds, and making our house a home in general by doing things like building shelves to make a pantry, building cabinets (which he's doing right now) so we can re-model the kitchen, and other odds and ends.  He also fends for himself in the kitchen a lot of the time, especially now that I'm doing Nutrisystem.  Thank you Lord for such a wonderful man!!! :)
  • I love and miss many, many old friends that I don't talk to as much any more, but I must say that I am so blessed to have made so many new friends this year and to have re-kindled some old friendships too.  Philip, Nikki, & Jaclyn are all so much fun.  Neal & Nathan, its so nice that we hang out as much as we do-- and I KNOW that Wes is SO much happier now that we have so many guys over all the time (and not just girls)!
  • I'm REALLY glad that Jamie will be staying with me this weekend, and super-excited that her and Kristen will be judging CMS's pageant Saturday night!  I know that they will do a fabulous job, and we're going to have so much fun hanging out.  I'm also excited because Jamie says that Erica is coming with her (Erica, if you read this know that you're officially invited and I would be thrilled if you did)!  
  • Speaking of the pageant, I was in charge of ordering the tiaras and sashes.  They're going to be here tomorrow, and I can't WAIT to see them.  I'm very pleased with the 2 that I picked out:

The one for the 5th & 6th grade division.
The one for the 7th 7 8th grade division.
    • Back to that "angel" I'm watching....in 30 minutes he's finished a Titanic word search and has written a page already pretending that he was on the Titanic and telling about his experience on the ship!!!  I'm beyond impressed...maybe it's just beginner's luck since he hasn't been in my room before, but I can't wait to show my principal all the work he accomplished (yeah, I'm sucking up, so sue me.  In this economy, if you have a job you should be too!).


    1. Can you order me a tiara just for fun?

    2. haha....I don't think so, since they're through a school company, but wouldn't be nice if we could just wear those for the heck of it and not look "unprofessional?"

    3. I still have mine from my wedding- always wanted to wear it again just 'cause. Also- you are SO SWEET- we love hanging with you too- already I sit around feeling bored because I miss all the fun we have together :)
