
The Ones I've Written:
 "Saying it First"
I'm thinking that I'm falling
And I'm hoping you'll be there
Because your the one that pushed me
Away from all my fear
I'm trusting you to catch me
Because you've told me I'll be safe
And I feel I'm finally ready to tell you to your face
I love you.

"God's Gift"
Heaven lost an angel on the day that you were born
Gabriel's trumpet sounded as you came into the world
But God knew what He was doing--
He had a master plan
He knew the day would come when you would take my hand
Well now that day is here, and I know our love is true
Because God never makes mistakes--
And God's gift to me is you

"Untitled 1"
The dark closes in, surrounding
your lonely heart.
There is only one person who
can save you.
And, that one person, whose soul
is half of yours...
Is not there.
So, you both die.  Swallowed
by the dark.

"Fallen Angel"
You stand alone in a desert created by your sins
You've turned your back on God--
You'll never fly again
You're a fallen angel, battle scarred and beaten
You hold you head high, denying that you're defeated
Pride is still your weakness...
Your soul cries out "give in"
But your arrogance runs deep, holding you back once again
But Jesus has persistance that can overcome your pride
He knows your every thought...
And loves you despite!
He calls your name again, and this time you look up
You realize life's not over--
It's only just begun...

"The Nature of God"
Outside- beautiful
Creation- amazing
To refute this fact is to contradict God
In whatever form you perceive Him to take
He is awe-inspiring by Nature

Crystal waters
Fall from Heaven to Earth
Angels crying for a lost world
Salty rivers
Rushing from your sad eyes
Telling of your pain deep inside
Eternal depths
Sing of sadness and life
Like the dark pits in your lost soul

"Untitled 2"
The stars shine down
illuminating the cold, lonely planet.
I stare up at them
wondering at their beauty.
Millions of balls of fire
all singing together, for they know
that all the knowledge of the Universe
can be found in the tiniest seed,
the faintest breath of life.
And, they know that the Balance
of all Creation can hang in something
so simple as the Life or Death of a

"Untitled 3"
The child's eyes flutter shut,
closing out the pains of the world.
His face is so innocent, so pure;
not tainted by the fools of the Earth.
I look down at the sleeping boy and think--
If all Creation had a peace like his,
there would be no war, no sorrow, no pain, no broken hearts.
The world would be good and simple.
For in one small boy, one child's loving gaze,
there is a wisdom like no other--
A wisdom only surpassed by God himself.
Oh for the lesson,
That one innocent child could teach to the world.

The Ones I Like:
by: Christina Georgina Rosseti
An emerald is as green as grass;
A ruby as blood;
A sapphire shines as blue as heaven;
A flint lies in the mud.
A diamond is a brilliant stone;
To catch the world's desire;
An opal holds a fiery spark;
But a flint holds fire.

from "Auguries of Innocence"
by: William Blake
To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.

by: Edwin Arnold
Somewhere there waiteth in this world of ours
For one lone soul another lonely soul--
Each chasing each through all the weary hours,
And meeting strangely at one sudden goal;
Then blend they- like green leaves with golden flowers,
Into one beautiful and perfect whole--
And life's long night is ended, and the way
Lies open onward to eternal day.