Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things I Like 2/8/11

  • Of course, the number 1 thing on my list this week is the fact that Jamie and I booked a trip to Orlando for spring break-- YAY!!!  We'll be there for 5 days/4 nights .  I know we're going to both Universal parks and hopefully at least one Disney.  Maybe we'll drive to the beach or 'glades one day...who knows, but it will certainly be fun no matter what we decide.
  •  I mentioned yesterday that I learned some things about Wes's preferences during our last argument-- I'm glad he wants to see my hair blonde again because I'm SO ready for a change!  In 5 weeks, I will be getting highlights.  Gradually, over the next few months, I will be transformed.  Maybe I'll magically become as skinny as i was when I was blonde...I will also be letting my hair grow some because I'm ready for a ponytail.
  • The next thing that I like this week is something that I've mentioned a bunch lately, but I just can't seem to brag about it enough!  Nutrisystem rocks my world!  As I've said before, the food is good, but most important is that I'm seeing results (if only I hadn't gained back a few lbs. over the weekend I'd probably be below 230 at weigh-in tomorrow).
  •  The fact that this blog now has 7 followers is AWESOME!  I love blogging, and I love the fact that Jamie has joined the blogosphere.  I even have readers through facebook-- some people don't have Google accounts, so they can't officially "follow" me, but I post links to most new posts on my status (on facebook), which gets me an even broader audience.
  • Speaking of facebook, I just want to give a shout-out and thank you to Mark Zuckerberg.  Facebook is an amazing communication tool, and I no longer fear losing my pictures to fire or natural disasters  because they're all stored digitally.  It's also awesome to know that usually, if someone takes a pic of me, I get a copy of it through tagging. ♥ Love ♥

  • My next, and last, item for today is a simple one:
           I've spent my whole life avoiding most candles, sprays, and air fresheners because 
          they give me migraines, but for some reason I can use almost ALL of this company's
          products (and the best part is you can now get their scents in other brands-- like Tide
         detergent)!  My favorite scents are Lavender Vanilla, Hawaiian Aloha, Green Tea, & 
         Caramel Apple.


  1. You need to try the cranberries and frost scent. It is THE BEST!!! STILL jealous about your trip- you better have an awesome time!!! :D

  2. I cannot wait until spring break!!! wooohoooo!
    Maybe we can extend it one more night and have green drinks for St. Patty's day... just a thought. :)

  3. Even if we don't stay in Orlando and extra night, we can find somewhere on the way back to stop for sure! We'll see...it just depends on if I can get my registration done before then at JSU. If not, I'll need that Friday to do that :(
