Monday, February 7, 2011

Now You Tell Me?!?

I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who think that you shouldn't blog about arguments with "lovelies," but I'm not one of those people.  I blog for therapy.  I blog so I'll have a living record of my life.  I blog to keep in touch with far away friends.  All of those purposes would be moot if I weren't honest.  SO, I'm not holding back....

Last night, it was about 12:30 when Wes and I finally got to sleep.  We had been arguing for 3 hours!  It was one of those arguments that by the end of it you don't even remember what the heck got it started in the first place.  We're bad about that--brushing stuff "under the rug" until one day it comes down to one crazy-long fight.  I kind of like it like that, though, because it means that we argue less than a lot of people.  It's just that when we do it's really dramatic and intense.  Always, always hurtful because we're both brutal at times.

In hindsight, however, I have to say I always learn something from these occurences.  For instance, last night I learned the following:
  • Wes would just as soon give the dogs away (He's sick and tired of cleaning up poo, and wishes that it was easier to keep the house clean, and he just doesn't even care that much about them anyway.)  Of course, now he's trying to say that he was just venting and didn't mean it, but whatever.  The dogs aren't going anywhere.  I'm putting my foot down about that one.
  • He thinks all I ever do is sit on the couch with the computer in my lap-- unfortunately, this is true.  I have TONS of grad school stuff to do ALL the time, not to mention the occasional job-related task along with the normal amount of facebook & blogging.  I guess he'll have to put up with this for another year and a quarter (until I'm done with grad school).  What irked me about this accusation, though, is the fact that I cook him dinner ALOT of the time, and most days I haven't sat down until he gets here, so he just doesn't see all the stuff I do when I first get home.
  • He preferred my hair blonde & between chin & shoulder length. (I'm OK with gettings some highlights...I've been itching for a change anyway, and I was gonna let my hair grow out to ponytail length again anyway since its SO much easier for gym purposes). 
  • He hates leggings, & says they just look dumpy (Oh well...I'm still wearing them...maybe just not for dates).
All of this is groundbreaking...the man who never would hint as to a preference for any particular thing seems to have finally cracked.  Thank GOD for this least now I know some things my husband does and doesn't like!

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