
Songs I have written...or am working on.  I just wanted to publish them somewhere, since they may never be heard otherwise.  They all have music...unfortunately, I have no idea how to convey that on here, so just enjoy the lyrics :)

The Ones About Love:

Fairy Tales Lie
I grew up in a small town, dreamin of the day
When I'd meet my Prince Charming
And he'd take me far away
I'd read Cinderella, hoped it would come true
I knew all the love songs, hell I'd even wrote a few
Then I met a stranger, thought he was the one
But instead of happy endings
My heart got burned

And once upon a time is so overrated
And I learned the hard way
That a horse aint always white
Sometimes they come in 5 liter mustangs
That'll leave you standin there, waitin for a ride

One night at a party, lookin for some fun
I kissed a frog
And it turns out he's the one
Nothing like the man I'd seen in Disney movies
His hair's too long and he wears torn up blue jeans
And while all the fairy tales turned out to be lies
Real life is better and he's the reason why

Once upon a time is so overrated
Now that I know what real love is like
Sometimes it comes in the strangest places
It'll take your breath away when the moment's right

Hey babe you're living proof that fairy tales lie

I think in another life I may have known you
Was your name Romeo?  Was I Juliet?
In another time, I think I knew you
Were you Kennedy? And was I Marilyn?
I sometimes feel like we've loved before
In another life

In another time, in another place
Three-thousand years ago
Was I Delilah?  And were you Sampson?
Or on another world, across the universe
Were you Han Solo?  And was I Leia?
All I know, is that you're unforgettable

So what'll happen in this time?  In this place?
Will we make some more history?
Like Cleopatra and Marc Antony
Will people write of us?  Will people dream of us?
All I know is that I'll see you in some other life,
On another world
And you'll remember me
Because our love is unforgettable

The World Spins Harder
In a world so full of pain, in a world so full of lies
How can there be the heaven I see shining in your eyes?
They say that true love is found only in your dreams
But how can I believe them when you're standing here with me?

Oh the world spins harder and the stars shine brighter
And the sky comes falling down
Every time you lean close and whisper
A thousand angels gather round
Just to hear you say, "I love you"

Every time the wind blows I hear it whisper in the trees
And it tells me you are thinking thoughts of me
When I am cold and lonely in the darkness of the night
You'll come and stand beside me, together for all time

(Repeat Chorus)

And if I should die tomorrow
I know you'd still love me
And I'd wait for you in heaven
Right by the crystal sea

(Repeat Chorus)

Every Time You Call
Every time you call my name
I begin to go insane
Every little thing you do
That's why I'm in love with you

I've never seen such strong devotion as I see in your eyes
I'd never felt the world in motion until your lips touched mine
And I swear I'll love you forever--
Even when the sun don't shine, through dark and stormy weather
I'll stand by you all my life

(Repeat Chorus)

I could sing a thousand love songs but they couldn't say it right
There's no way to really tell you just how much you've changed my life
And I'm here whenever you call--
Step by step right by your side, just be sure to catch me when I fall
Be there to hold me tight

(Repeat Chorus)

Every time I call your name
You begin to go insane
Every little thing I do
That's why you love me too

The Ones About Broken Hearts:

I remember the day that you first spoke my name
The spark I saw in your eyes stole my heart away
And I remember how it felt the first time we touched
I remember knowing that this must be love

So why did you hurt me?
Why do you make me cry?
When all I ever wanted,
Was to see you smile...

You were my best friend, and I wish I could say
That I feel different now than I did that day
My friends say to let you go, and believe me I've tried
But its still you who's in my dreams every night

(Repeat Chorus)

And all I need for you to do is to say you were wrong
And I would gladly take you back
With wide open arms

(Repeat Chorus)

The Ones About God:
I'm sitting by my window and looking out into the world
I'm thanking God for giving me His everlasting love
I look at His creation, how He provides for all its needs
And I wonder how some people can say they don't believe

If all the world would Listen
To what God has to say
They could have eternal life
And His Truth would set them free

I'm standing in a city where a million people live
How many out of the millions know that Jesus died for them?
A baby cries, a gramma dies, and yet time marches on
How much longer do we have until God calls His people home?

(Repeat Chorus)

Ohhhh peace like a river
Is possible through Him
If you'll only Listen to His call
And let the Savior in

(Repeat Chorus)

So friends plan for each tomorrow
But don't hold onto the world
I leave you with one final thought...
Are you ready for Christ's return?

Thank You
I thank you God for the life you've given
I thank you God for dying for our sins
I thank you God for your son, Jesus
I thank you God for sending Him
I thank you God for heaven above
I thank you God for showing us Love
I thank you God for being our King
I thank you God for saving me

God is awesome and God is great
He is the Truth, the Light, the Way
God shows us the Truth, its Jesus his son
Jesus shines His Light on everyone
The Light leads us all the Way
The Way to heaven and God's saving Grace

I thank you God for all you do for me
I thank you God for my family
I thank you God for turning lions to lambs
I thank you God for who I am
I thank you God for all my Christian friends
I thank you God for saving them
I thank you God for being so great
I thank you God for your amazing Grace

(Repeat Chorus)

I thank you God that I was blessed
I could have been like all the rest
All alone in a world of pain and fear
Never knowing that You were so near

(Repeat Chorus)

He is in Everything
The mountains cry out to the Lord
The rivers proclaim His name
The canyons echo His mighty shout
The birds all sing His praise
The world is His cathedral
He needs no man-made things
The love of God is not hidden
Its never far away

He's always there, He always cares
He'll never leave your side
Accept the offer of Christ's love
And let Him be your guide

God is found in everything
You don't have to look far
The rocks, the trees, the birds, the bees,
And every far off star
We are His creation
Created to worship Him
We are to be a shining light
Bringing the world to Him

(Repeat Chorus)

 The Ones That Have No Category:

My Arrival
There's this little voice inside my head crying to get out
Banging on my skull, hoping to be heard
There's this other part that's holding back
Trying to stand still
Staring at the mirror, pretending not to feel

And the world keeps turning
And life keeps running away from me
I don't know anything anymore
Anyone please tell me who I am

Walking down the sidewalk, watching others do the same
All going somewhere, hurry, get there
Keeping up the pace
Where do I fit in?
How do I find my place?

I wanna take off these clothes
Dye all my hair
Scream to the world,
"Hey!  I'm here!"

And the world keeps turning
While I am running through my life
I have arrived

The Works in Progress:

We've all been there, that place I was
Trying to hold on, but ready to give up
But sometimes life don't turn out like we planned
And everything you've ever had can slip right through your hands

Sometimes you've gotta get away just to find yourself
Sometimes you've gotta run away,
There's no shame in backing down
Because underneath the ashes...
There is treasure to be found

Tides flow in and tides flow out
Seasons come and seasons go
Faces change, but Love remains
The tie that binds me to your soul

There's a lighthouse in my heart for you
As you sail uncharted shores
And if you ever find your way back to here
You'll have my lighthouse to lead you home