Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dear Lord....

Grant me the peace of mind to make it through the rest of the day.  Between one little "angel," the amount of grad school work I have left to do in the next 2 weeks, the fact that I'm having a mole removed this afternoon, and the million and a half other things I have left on my "to do" list, I am near the breaking point.  Please give me strength, knowledge, assurance, determination, and any other qualities that might help me through this rough day/next few weeks.  At the same time, I would be remiss if I didn't say thank you for the beautiful snow and the school delay that it caused.  It was much appreciated, and it allowed me to do an extra assignment this morning.  I really do appreciate that answered prayer.  Thank you for all the little things you do, and help me to notice them more often than I notice the things I need.  Amen.

 Your Daughter,

If you have just read this post, I would appreciate your prayers as well.  Thanks :)


  1. Love you. Love your sweet prayer. And God does too :) I hope everything goes well today :)

  2. Thanks Anna! I was SO nervous that getting the mole removed was going to hurt, but I didn't feel anything except the shot (which, one of those in the stomach is NOT fun), so it wasn't so bad. Its kinda sore now though because I had to have 4 stitches, and I can't take a shower for a week because I can't get the stitches wet. Washing hair in the sink...ugh. Taking a shallow water bath...ugh. Thanks for the encouragement though!
