Bucket List

Things to do before I die:

  • Travel to all 50 states (Ones I've been to so far: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, & West Virginina)
  • Go rafting in the Grand Canyon
  • Run a mile (I've never been able to do this...not even when I was skinny!)
  • Earn a Master's Degree in Collaborative Education (6-12)
  • Get tenured at CMS!!!
  • Be debt free (mortgage doesn't count)
  • Ride a zip line through a rainforest
  • Have a song recorded or poem published
  • Go to cooking school
  • Read the whole Bible
  • Learn karate or some type of martial art
  • Skydive
  • Travel to another country (but only after going to all 50 states)
  • Get a pilot's license
  • Go camping (RVs don't count)
  • See Bon Jovi in concert
  • Go ice skating outside
  • Ride in a limo
  • Learn to French braid
  • Surf
  • Snow ski
  • Go on a cruise
  • Be at Times Square for New Year's Eve
  • Go scuba diving
  • Go to a haunted house (I can't believe I STILL haven't done this!)
  • Learn Spanish
  • Parasail
  • Ride in a hot air balloon
  • Go on a mission trip

I'm sure I'll think of more later...