Monday, January 31, 2011

"F*^!K the Po-Po"......

....or so says Corey Smith.  I usually don't agree with him and his song, but I kinda feel that way this afternoon after a State Trooper gave me an almost panicattack on the way home!  I was cruising along after leaving the school, driving down the side road by CACC, and I see him parked at the walking track.  Well, he pulls out behind me (I wasn't even speeding I don't think-- going about 40 mph, and there's no posted limit, so who knows but 40 seemed reasonable).  He catches up to me as I'm sitting at the stop sign trying to turn onto 280, and gets right up on my rump-- I mean, it was so close it might as well have been car rape!  If he had seen me get that close up on someone I'd have gotten a ticket right then and there!  Well, anyway, I FINALLY get out onto the highway and proceeded to put the cruise on 63 in a 65 (I didn't want to seem too nervous, ya know?).  He followed me, at about a car's distance, ALL the way from Childersburg to Sylacauga.  When I changed lanes, he changed lanes (You get the picture).  It was completely senseless harassment.  If the best thing he had to do today was terrorize me, taxpayer dollars could have funded something better.  And yes, I know and understand that all cops are not like this, but they should have stricter personality screenings in their hiring process so that the power-trippin m0fos that give good cops a bad name don't get hired in the first place!!!

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