Thursday, February 24, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 5

Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory

This has been the hardest one of these posts so far.  The only one that's really been "challenging."  It made me realize just how truly blessed I am.  I have a whole life full of wonderful memories...very few bad ones along the way.  I probably have had more joy in my 24 years than some people who've lived twice or three times as long.  With that said, I undoubtedly struggled with what memory to choose....

I chose pictures from the weekend that Wes and I met, because that is when my adult life truly began to come together.  Everything I have now would not exist if not for that moment in time....

It was the night before Saban's debut game.  Tuscaloosa was PACKED!  I was lucky enough to have a ticket, but there were plenty of people in town (Wes among them) who just wanted to experience the excitement in person.  Jamie, Whitney, & I (who are also people I have wonderful memories with) went to our favorite restaurant (Los Tarascos) to eat dinner that night.

Then, we went to a party at one of Jamie's friends from back home's apartment.  This was a party that Wes also happened to be at.  I'm standing on the porch, telling a Bear Bryant joke that was rather sacreligous (but hey, God has a sense of humor, right?) to a bunch of people when all of a sudden someone behind me says, "You're going to hell!"  I turn around, look up (which was necessary since he's 6'5"), and see Wes for the first time.  All I could do was grin, because he was grinning the most devilish grin I've ever seen.  As Kenny Chesney says, "You had me from hello."  We've been inseperable ever since.  While there are no pictures of us from that night, these next two are from the next night, at the same apartment complex.  Please don't judge us for dancing on the pole; again, to steal a line from Kenny Chesney again, "We were brave, we were crazy, we were mostly young.....