Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday

I am proud to announce that I have lost 6 lbs since my last weigh-in.  Nutrisystem rocks my world!  This is the kind of diet I can follow....because it gets me results!  Even though we had a cook-out Saturday complete with all the fixings, several friends, games, and drinks, it still didn't undo the progress.  Even though we had coke floats (I've been making mine with diet coke, of course), it hasn't changed my progress.  The program is just that good.  If you follow it religiously a few days out of the week, and eat every meal but one on-program a couple of days, you still get results.  I LOVE it!!!

As for exercise...I haven't been as good as I should be, but my main problem in this category isn't resolve or determination, its the honest fact that it takes a big chunk of time!  I was really good and went to the gym Friday and Monday morning before work, and I had planned to do it today, but I just couldn't.  I WILL be going in the morning.  If I don't make it, I will add it to the things I don't like list for tomorrow, so hold me accountable if it makes the list!

What I Ate 2/1/2011
  • Breakfast: 16 oz. coffee w/2 Tbs. coconut creamer, Nutrisystem peanut butter granola bar, banana
  • Lunch: Nutrisystem Cream of Broccoli soup
  • Snack: Nutrisystem Almond Biscotti, 12 oz. coffee w/coconut creamer
  • Dinner: Nutrisystem Steak & Potatoes
  • Dessert: 1 c. Vanilla Ice Cream & Diet Coke (not part of the plan, but I weighed this morning to make sure it didn't have any negative effects-- I hadn't lost any yesterday, but I didn't gain either.

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