Friday, February 11, 2011

Some Good Advice

After the tough day yesterday, and the hectic few weeks I'm set up to have between now and spring break, I thought it would be helpful to just sit down and think of all the good advice I've received throughout my know, just write it down on paper and try to apply it a little at a time.  Kind of like an inspirational cheat sheet.

  • Fresh start. (This is the phrase my assistant principal has started signing his emails with.  Every day we have to start over.  Grudges are not an option when teaching students, and in my opinion, they aren't an option when they come to marriage, family, or friendships either.)
  • Mind your manners. (Oh, if I had a quarter for every time I was told this by mom, Gran, aunts, etc. I would be rich.  Of course, I didn't appreciate this advice until I grew up, but now I know how important it is.  I see little "angels" be so rude to each other each day, and it puts them in an ill mood and ruins the day of whomever they've been rude to.)
  • Never say goodbye without saying I love you, and never go to bed mad . (Of course, this only applies if you really do love the person you're saying bye to, but in my family we take this serious.  See, my mom's dad (Gran's husband) was killed in a car wreck when mom was only in 8th grade (and she was the oldest of the 4 kids!).  Since then, they've all been real careful when saying goodbyes.  You never know when your last breath will be.
  • Live like you were dying.  (I like this saying-- and the song-- for two reasons.  First, it inspires me to take the plunge and take chances...stretch the boundaries of what I think I can face.  And, because it reminds me to be faithful.  If I stood before God today, would he be pleased?  Maybe about some things, but sadly, the answer to a lot of that would be no.) 
  • Count your blessings.  (Somehow, we're all really good at this around Thanksgiving, but this is something that I try to focus on whenever I need a quick pick-me-up, and its a real mood booster.)
  • KISS- Keep It Simple Stupid! (Not the nicest advice ever, but GREAT advice in a world where things are so complicated and crazy almost all the time.  A reminder to slow down, and make an effort to just enjoy life.  Don't make things harder than they really are.)
I'm sure I'll think of more later.  Advice is always plentiful, and I've had lots of good and bad.  Those are just the ones that I thought of today.  Now, for one final little tidbit....

We just got back from lunch, and while at the table (we sit with our kids) one of my boys told me the cutest thing-- "Mrs. McClendon, did it hurt when you fell from Tennessee?  Because you're the only 10 I see!"  Absolutely precious & perfectly uplifting.

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