Monday, February 28, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 8

Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh

Blogosphere, meet Brody Hedricks.  This fine young man was Wes's best man.  And at 8 am the day of our wedding, when jamie and I were leaving my house to go get our hair done, this is where we found Brody sleeping.  This is our office/carport entry, and there's also a 2nd bathroom right off of this room.  Brody walked straight out of the bathroom and landed on our bench.....priceless.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 7

Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item

The thing that I treasure the most is all of my pictures from throughout my life.  I really love that I have so many, because they help me recall memories that I might not think about otherwise.  As far as actual items go however, I have 2 that are particularly special. 

The first, and most emotionally significant is my engagement ring.  It belonged to Wes's grandmother, Thelma, who was his dad's mom.  She and Wes had a very special relationship, as he was her only grandson (and for all the years before Kacie was born, her only grandchild).  She kept him alot when he was younger, but passed away around the time he finished high school.  Unfortunately, I never met her, but his family loved and trusted me enough to let him give me her ring.  I think its beautiful, unique, and incredibly special since it means so much to so many people.

As for my other prized possession, I just got it yesterday, so I haven't had a chance to upload pics yet, but these two look exactly like mine.  I am now the proud owner of a 2011 Kia Sorento SX.  Its fully loaded, and faster than my Mustang was.  Its a sports car in an SUV frame, and its the most amzing vehicle I've ever sat in.  If you're in the market for a car, don't purchase anything until you test drive one of these!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 6

Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

For some reason, it took me forever to think of someone that I'd want to trade with...I guess that means I love my life.  But, when it comes down to it, I'd have to pick Taylor Swift.  Not only does she have a charmed life full of exotic places and gorgeous Hollywood hotties, she's lucky enough to get paid to sing.  If I could do anything in the whole world it would be that.  And, I picked Taylor specifically because not only does she get paid to sing, she's one of few artists that actually gets to sing her OWN music.  I love writing songs, poems, blog posts, anything really; and, to get paid to write and sing my own music would be the most amazing thing ever-- millions of people who relate to the story I have to tell.  In my opinion, it doesn't get better than that.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 5

Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory

This has been the hardest one of these posts so far.  The only one that's really been "challenging."  It made me realize just how truly blessed I am.  I have a whole life full of wonderful memories...very few bad ones along the way.  I probably have had more joy in my 24 years than some people who've lived twice or three times as long.  With that said, I undoubtedly struggled with what memory to choose....

I chose pictures from the weekend that Wes and I met, because that is when my adult life truly began to come together.  Everything I have now would not exist if not for that moment in time....

It was the night before Saban's debut game.  Tuscaloosa was PACKED!  I was lucky enough to have a ticket, but there were plenty of people in town (Wes among them) who just wanted to experience the excitement in person.  Jamie, Whitney, & I (who are also people I have wonderful memories with) went to our favorite restaurant (Los Tarascos) to eat dinner that night.

Then, we went to a party at one of Jamie's friends from back home's apartment.  This was a party that Wes also happened to be at.  I'm standing on the porch, telling a Bear Bryant joke that was rather sacreligous (but hey, God has a sense of humor, right?) to a bunch of people when all of a sudden someone behind me says, "You're going to hell!"  I turn around, look up (which was necessary since he's 6'5"), and see Wes for the first time.  All I could do was grin, because he was grinning the most devilish grin I've ever seen.  As Kenny Chesney says, "You had me from hello."  We've been inseperable ever since.  While there are no pictures of us from that night, these next two are from the next night, at the same apartment complex.  Please don't judge us for dancing on the pole; again, to steal a line from Kenny Chesney again, "We were brave, we were crazy, we were mostly young.....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 4

Day 04 - A picture of your night
Well, It started off relaxing on the couch with these friends:

Aren't they precious?
 Then, Wes and I went to the gym.  I played on this machine:

Seated elliptical rocks my universe!
 I also got to watch a whole hour of cable TV while I was at the gym (a treat since we cut back to local channels and netflix).  I watched a LOT of this:
Possibly my favorite channel

Monday, February 21, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 3

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show

The funny thing about this favorite is that I watch the re-runs more than the new ones...but I've never seen one that wasn't captivating!  And oh, oh, the eye candy (see below).......


Spencer Reid (oh so pretty)

Shemar Moore is definitely the highlight of the show!

V is the other show that I love right now.  I watch it every Tuesday night.

Tyler Evans is by far the most gorgeous part of V.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Photo Challenge: Day 2

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest

For this day's challenge, I chose several pics of me & Kristen.  We've been friends since almost before I can remember, and I have much older pics somewhere, but this is the oldest on facebook...taken when I was a senior in high school (I think):

And then this next one is from when she graduated high school (Kristen's 1 1/2 yrs. younger than me, but that's never mattered):

This next pic is from her dad's shop.  Wes and I went over there to watch Alabama win their 13th National Championship.  Kristen went to Auburn, but she was such a good sport, she wore a red sweater!

And, finally, this pic is from my wedding last summer, where Kristen was, of course, a bridesmaid.  She also sang "God Blessed the Broken Road" while Wes and I were lighting the unity candle.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words

I got this idea off a friend's blog....thanks Steph!  Check her out (on my bloglist on the right, she's "The Sweet Life")!

I'm starting the 30 Day Photo Challenge. Everyday, I post a photo from a list. You should play along too, it'll be fun :)

30 Day Photo Challenge!

The List:
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Day 04 - A picture of your night
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
Day 12 - A picture of something you love
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
Day 19 - A picture and a letter
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change
Day 25 - A picture of your day
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss

Ok, Day 1: A picture of yourself and 10 facts

I chose this picture because even though I'm all dolled up for my bridal shoot, I think I still look really natural.  I also like how I look a little mischievious :)  Now, 10 facts:

  1. I'm pretty much obsessed with peacock feathers.  I designed my wedding around them, have them in my house, and have clothing and jewelry that features them.  I think that they are one of God's prettiest creations.
  2. I can't believe at age 24 I'm married, own my on home, and am halfway through my Master's degree all while working full-time as a jr. high Special Ed. teacher.  This is all good, but sometimes I secretly have mini-panic attacks about the fact that there's less and less spontanaeity in my life.
  3. I love to cook, and I'm pretty good at it.  I can make several really great home-made icings, and know a secret for turning boxed cake mix into the best cake this side of your grandmother's.  I'm also a lover of casseroles and have several that I make that are definite winners.
  4. I made it through the first round of auditions when American Idol came to Birmingham a few years ago, but I chickened out and didn't go back the next day.  This is one of my biggest regrets in life.
  5. I'm adopted.  I think most everyone knows this, since its never been a secret, but it gives me a different perspective sometimes when it comes to the definition of family, so I like to make sure people understand where I come from.
  6. I don't exactly fit the mold of a "southern belle," but my favorite magazine is Southern Living, and I'm incredibly in love with Southern culture and traditions.  Politically, I'm pretty liberal, but in my own life I'm a little more conservative (usually).
  7. Speaking of tradition, Roll Tide! :)
  8. I love dachshunds and am the proud owner of 2 pretty puppies-- Bella & Ingram!
  9. One of my goals in life is to travel to all 50 states.  I really would like to see the worl, but I want to start in my own "backyard" first.
  10. I'm currently obsessed with online "shopping" for cars (because I'm getting one within the next year!).  I think I have analyzed and compared everything there is to compare between brands, and I thought we'd decided on the Volvo XC60.  BUT...that was before I discovered the beautiful 2011 Kia Sorento SX.  You'd never guess it (because I certainly didn't believe it at first), but it beats every other SUV in its class in techie stuff, is the only one that seats 7, and has the best warranty hands down...its also cheaper and incredibly sharp!  I can't wait until its mine!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Just thought I'd say a quick hello to my readers.  I miss you dearly, but until February 23, which is the day I finish my spring semester of grad classes, I will not probably not be posting anything.  I just wanted anyone who cared to know why I've been MIA, and why I will be MIA through this coming Wednesday.

One final thought....please pray for me as I finish up this HUGE semester!  I have a final coming up (my first in grad school, since most courses don't require those), and I will be submitting 2 final projects over the next few days.

I LOVE you guys!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Some Good Advice

After the tough day yesterday, and the hectic few weeks I'm set up to have between now and spring break, I thought it would be helpful to just sit down and think of all the good advice I've received throughout my know, just write it down on paper and try to apply it a little at a time.  Kind of like an inspirational cheat sheet.

  • Fresh start. (This is the phrase my assistant principal has started signing his emails with.  Every day we have to start over.  Grudges are not an option when teaching students, and in my opinion, they aren't an option when they come to marriage, family, or friendships either.)
  • Mind your manners. (Oh, if I had a quarter for every time I was told this by mom, Gran, aunts, etc. I would be rich.  Of course, I didn't appreciate this advice until I grew up, but now I know how important it is.  I see little "angels" be so rude to each other each day, and it puts them in an ill mood and ruins the day of whomever they've been rude to.)
  • Never say goodbye without saying I love you, and never go to bed mad . (Of course, this only applies if you really do love the person you're saying bye to, but in my family we take this serious.  See, my mom's dad (Gran's husband) was killed in a car wreck when mom was only in 8th grade (and she was the oldest of the 4 kids!).  Since then, they've all been real careful when saying goodbyes.  You never know when your last breath will be.
  • Live like you were dying.  (I like this saying-- and the song-- for two reasons.  First, it inspires me to take the plunge and take chances...stretch the boundaries of what I think I can face.  And, because it reminds me to be faithful.  If I stood before God today, would he be pleased?  Maybe about some things, but sadly, the answer to a lot of that would be no.) 
  • Count your blessings.  (Somehow, we're all really good at this around Thanksgiving, but this is something that I try to focus on whenever I need a quick pick-me-up, and its a real mood booster.)
  • KISS- Keep It Simple Stupid! (Not the nicest advice ever, but GREAT advice in a world where things are so complicated and crazy almost all the time.  A reminder to slow down, and make an effort to just enjoy life.  Don't make things harder than they really are.)
I'm sure I'll think of more later.  Advice is always plentiful, and I've had lots of good and bad.  Those are just the ones that I thought of today.  Now, for one final little tidbit....

We just got back from lunch, and while at the table (we sit with our kids) one of my boys told me the cutest thing-- "Mrs. McClendon, did it hurt when you fell from Tennessee?  Because you're the only 10 I see!"  Absolutely precious & perfectly uplifting.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dear Lord....

Grant me the peace of mind to make it through the rest of the day.  Between one little "angel," the amount of grad school work I have left to do in the next 2 weeks, the fact that I'm having a mole removed this afternoon, and the million and a half other things I have left on my "to do" list, I am near the breaking point.  Please give me strength, knowledge, assurance, determination, and any other qualities that might help me through this rough day/next few weeks.  At the same time, I would be remiss if I didn't say thank you for the beautiful snow and the school delay that it caused.  It was much appreciated, and it allowed me to do an extra assignment this morning.  I really do appreciate that answered prayer.  Thank you for all the little things you do, and help me to notice them more often than I notice the things I need.  Amen.

 Your Daughter,

If you have just read this post, I would appreciate your prayers as well.  Thanks :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things I Like 2/8/11

  • Of course, the number 1 thing on my list this week is the fact that Jamie and I booked a trip to Orlando for spring break-- YAY!!!  We'll be there for 5 days/4 nights .  I know we're going to both Universal parks and hopefully at least one Disney.  Maybe we'll drive to the beach or 'glades one day...who knows, but it will certainly be fun no matter what we decide.
  •  I mentioned yesterday that I learned some things about Wes's preferences during our last argument-- I'm glad he wants to see my hair blonde again because I'm SO ready for a change!  In 5 weeks, I will be getting highlights.  Gradually, over the next few months, I will be transformed.  Maybe I'll magically become as skinny as i was when I was blonde...I will also be letting my hair grow some because I'm ready for a ponytail.
  • The next thing that I like this week is something that I've mentioned a bunch lately, but I just can't seem to brag about it enough!  Nutrisystem rocks my world!  As I've said before, the food is good, but most important is that I'm seeing results (if only I hadn't gained back a few lbs. over the weekend I'd probably be below 230 at weigh-in tomorrow).
  •  The fact that this blog now has 7 followers is AWESOME!  I love blogging, and I love the fact that Jamie has joined the blogosphere.  I even have readers through facebook-- some people don't have Google accounts, so they can't officially "follow" me, but I post links to most new posts on my status (on facebook), which gets me an even broader audience.
  • Speaking of facebook, I just want to give a shout-out and thank you to Mark Zuckerberg.  Facebook is an amazing communication tool, and I no longer fear losing my pictures to fire or natural disasters  because they're all stored digitally.  It's also awesome to know that usually, if someone takes a pic of me, I get a copy of it through tagging. ♥ Love ♥

  • My next, and last, item for today is a simple one:
           I've spent my whole life avoiding most candles, sprays, and air fresheners because 
          they give me migraines, but for some reason I can use almost ALL of this company's
          products (and the best part is you can now get their scents in other brands-- like Tide
         detergent)!  My favorite scents are Lavender Vanilla, Hawaiian Aloha, Green Tea, & 
         Caramel Apple.

What I Ate 2/7/11

  • Breakfast: Nutrisystem Lowfat Granola, Fiber One blueberry yogurt, 1/2 Banana
  • Lunch: Nutrisystem Cheese Tortellini, Lowfat Mozzarella string cheese
  • Snack: 3 Prunes
  • Dinner: Nutrisystem Asian Style Beef, Steamed Asian Mix Veggies w/Soy
  • Dessert: Nutrisystem Peanut Butter Cookie, Coffee w/coconut creamer

Monday, February 7, 2011

Now You Tell Me?!?

I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who think that you shouldn't blog about arguments with "lovelies," but I'm not one of those people.  I blog for therapy.  I blog so I'll have a living record of my life.  I blog to keep in touch with far away friends.  All of those purposes would be moot if I weren't honest.  SO, I'm not holding back....

Last night, it was about 12:30 when Wes and I finally got to sleep.  We had been arguing for 3 hours!  It was one of those arguments that by the end of it you don't even remember what the heck got it started in the first place.  We're bad about that--brushing stuff "under the rug" until one day it comes down to one crazy-long fight.  I kind of like it like that, though, because it means that we argue less than a lot of people.  It's just that when we do it's really dramatic and intense.  Always, always hurtful because we're both brutal at times.

In hindsight, however, I have to say I always learn something from these occurences.  For instance, last night I learned the following:
  • Wes would just as soon give the dogs away (He's sick and tired of cleaning up poo, and wishes that it was easier to keep the house clean, and he just doesn't even care that much about them anyway.)  Of course, now he's trying to say that he was just venting and didn't mean it, but whatever.  The dogs aren't going anywhere.  I'm putting my foot down about that one.
  • He thinks all I ever do is sit on the couch with the computer in my lap-- unfortunately, this is true.  I have TONS of grad school stuff to do ALL the time, not to mention the occasional job-related task along with the normal amount of facebook & blogging.  I guess he'll have to put up with this for another year and a quarter (until I'm done with grad school).  What irked me about this accusation, though, is the fact that I cook him dinner ALOT of the time, and most days I haven't sat down until he gets here, so he just doesn't see all the stuff I do when I first get home.
  • He preferred my hair blonde & between chin & shoulder length. (I'm OK with gettings some highlights...I've been itching for a change anyway, and I was gonna let my hair grow out to ponytail length again anyway since its SO much easier for gym purposes). 
  • He hates leggings, & says they just look dumpy (Oh well...I'm still wearing them...maybe just not for dates).
All of this is groundbreaking...the man who never would hint as to a preference for any particular thing seems to have finally cracked.  Thank GOD for this least now I know some things my husband does and doesn't like!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Come to think of it...

I DID buy something yesterday...a BIG something, actually.  Jamie & I booked a trip to Orlando for Spring Break!  We'll be staying 4 nights-- leaving Sunday night and driving through the night so we can explore Monday before check-in.  So, we'll be staying Monday-Friday.  In our package, which was only $300 per person, we got 4 nights at a 3 star resort, a 3 day pass to Universal and Islands of Adventure, we get into the Universal parks an hour early each day (before they open to the public), free breakfast one morning at Hogwart's in the Harry Potter theme park, free transportation to & from the parks, & a pass to Universal's City Walk (which has TONS of bars, clubs, restaurants) which means we have pay no cover at any of the establishments.  We're considering going to at least one Disney park.  Everyone seems to think that I'm wrong for being more excited about Universal than Disney, but maybe Disney should do a better job at managing their website.  Becuase, honestly, I don't give a damn about flying Dumbos and teacups.  Now, maybe a culinary trip around the world ala Epcot would be fun....honestly, I think Epcot would be my pick if we go to Disney.  I don't know though.  I guess I have 26 days to make that decision.

Spring Break COME ON!!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

No Shopping Today, But....

We had an AMAZINGLY fun day!  It was pageant day at CMS!  All of the girls looke so very beautiful in their dresses, and Jamie & Kristen did a FABULOUS job judging.  The winners were all very deserving.  Very successful day at the pageant :)

AFTER the pageant, we had even MORE fun.  Me, Wes, Jamie, Kristen, and Neal went to Marble City Grill to see Ryan Shurette play.  There were SO many people there.  Marble City Grill is a wonderful restaurant in Sylacauga that I HIGHLY reccomend if you're ever in town.  They have live music most weekends, the food is great, and they have a HUGE liquor/beer selection.  The building is really cool too-- an old, renovated place with exposed brick and such.  In the summer they have outdoor dining in front and back.  We always take out of town guests there, and its always a good time.

AFTER the grill, a BUNCH of folks ended up at our house.  Apparently, the McClendon residence is the new hangout.  It seems like we have people over almost every weekend and I LOVE it.  Tonight, there was Me, Wes, Jamie, Neal, Samantha, Josh, Matt, Brittney, and Caleb.  We just hung out tonight, but the last few weekends we've had game nights/parties.  We've played Monopoly, Apples to Apples, & The Game of Things.  All very fun.  Tonight, there were no games.  Just a little drink and conversation.  I love it.

I love my friends.  I love my husband.  I love our house.  I love our town.  I love my job.  I love my family.  I basically just LOVE our life together. :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

What I Ate 2/4/11

  • Nutrisystem Chocolate Chip Scone, Mickey D's Caramel Mocha
  • Nutrisystem Meatball Parmesan Sub, 1/2 c. Broccoli, Sargento Low Fat Cheese Snack
  • Nutrisystem Pasta Fagioli, 4 Prunes
  • Nutrisystem Double Chocolate Almond Cookie, Coffee w/Coconut Creamer
I must say that I LOVE that this diet includes so much CHOCOLATE!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What I Ate 2/3/2011

  • Nutrisystem Double Chocolate Muffin, Caramel Mocha from Mickey D's
  • Nutrisystem Cheesy Homestyle Mashed Potatoes & Fiber One Peach Yogurt
  • Nutrisytem Salisbury Steak & Macaroni & Cheese w/1/2 c. Steamed Broccoli
  • Nutrisystem Walnut Chocolate Chip Cookies & Hot Chocolate

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday

I am proud to announce that I have lost 6 lbs since my last weigh-in.  Nutrisystem rocks my world!  This is the kind of diet I can follow....because it gets me results!  Even though we had a cook-out Saturday complete with all the fixings, several friends, games, and drinks, it still didn't undo the progress.  Even though we had coke floats (I've been making mine with diet coke, of course), it hasn't changed my progress.  The program is just that good.  If you follow it religiously a few days out of the week, and eat every meal but one on-program a couple of days, you still get results.  I LOVE it!!!

As for exercise...I haven't been as good as I should be, but my main problem in this category isn't resolve or determination, its the honest fact that it takes a big chunk of time!  I was really good and went to the gym Friday and Monday morning before work, and I had planned to do it today, but I just couldn't.  I WILL be going in the morning.  If I don't make it, I will add it to the things I don't like list for tomorrow, so hold me accountable if it makes the list!

What I Ate 2/1/2011
  • Breakfast: 16 oz. coffee w/2 Tbs. coconut creamer, Nutrisystem peanut butter granola bar, banana
  • Lunch: Nutrisystem Cream of Broccoli soup
  • Snack: Nutrisystem Almond Biscotti, 12 oz. coffee w/coconut creamer
  • Dinner: Nutrisystem Steak & Potatoes
  • Dessert: 1 c. Vanilla Ice Cream & Diet Coke (not part of the plan, but I weighed this morning to make sure it didn't have any negative effects-- I hadn't lost any yesterday, but I didn't gain either.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Things I Like

  • My principal just brought me one of the little "angels" from downstairs (6th grade) to watch b/c he's had some behavior issues and the 5th & 6th grade resource teacher is at a meeting.  I could have thought of this negatively, but instead I noticed the positive.  She told me that it would give us some time to bond since he will be with me next year.  The key word in that statement is next year.  I'm always looking for references from her as to whether or not she sees me in the future of CMS, so this statement (simple as it was) made my day! :)
  • He's being soooo good for me.  I can't believe he was having a bad day elsewhere!  He's got a smart little mouth, but it didn't take me 5 minutes to kill it with kindness and laughter.
  • My professor from my WAY hard class that I was WAY behind on told me that as long as all discussions and assignments were in by the end of the term she wouldn't count against me that they weren't turned in on their original due dates...this was very much a relief since I had SO much job stuff going on last week that I didn't accomplish much.
  • I couldn't do this whole full time career plus full time grad student thing without Jay Wesley (this probably won't be the only time ya'll hear this from me, but its the truth).  He's my rock.    He is so supportive, and helps with things like washing the dishes, making beds, and making our house a home in general by doing things like building shelves to make a pantry, building cabinets (which he's doing right now) so we can re-model the kitchen, and other odds and ends.  He also fends for himself in the kitchen a lot of the time, especially now that I'm doing Nutrisystem.  Thank you Lord for such a wonderful man!!! :)
  • I love and miss many, many old friends that I don't talk to as much any more, but I must say that I am so blessed to have made so many new friends this year and to have re-kindled some old friendships too.  Philip, Nikki, & Jaclyn are all so much fun.  Neal & Nathan, its so nice that we hang out as much as we do-- and I KNOW that Wes is SO much happier now that we have so many guys over all the time (and not just girls)!
  • I'm REALLY glad that Jamie will be staying with me this weekend, and super-excited that her and Kristen will be judging CMS's pageant Saturday night!  I know that they will do a fabulous job, and we're going to have so much fun hanging out.  I'm also excited because Jamie says that Erica is coming with her (Erica, if you read this know that you're officially invited and I would be thrilled if you did)!  
  • Speaking of the pageant, I was in charge of ordering the tiaras and sashes.  They're going to be here tomorrow, and I can't WAIT to see them.  I'm very pleased with the 2 that I picked out:

The one for the 5th & 6th grade division.
The one for the 7th 7 8th grade division.
    • Back to that "angel" I'm 30 minutes he's finished a Titanic word search and has written a page already pretending that he was on the Titanic and telling about his experience on the ship!!!  I'm beyond impressed...maybe it's just beginner's luck since he hasn't been in my room before, but I can't wait to show my principal all the work he accomplished (yeah, I'm sucking up, so sue me.  In this economy, if you have a job you should be too!).