Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Things I Like (Rocky Top Tennessee Edition)

First things first...I'm sorry I didn't blog all weekend.  We had internet, but I just never got on the computer for longer than 5 minutes.  Anyhow...today's blog is supposed to be "Things I Like," but instead of random things my list will have a theme-- our weekend trip to the Smokies.

Things I Like (from our trip).......

We stayed at the Microtel.  This was the third time I've stayed at one of these, and I must say I like them.  It was only $60 a night, the bed was comfortable, the wireless was free, it had good water pressure, and the window (complete with window seat) actually opened to a great view of downtown.  Plus, it was in the center of Gatlinburg...PERFECT!!!

This was one of the first pictures I took...Wes dubbed it, "Bubbling Brook," which I thought was cute :)  I wanted to get out of the car and go sit on that log, because I definitely LIKE peaceful, beautiful, inspirational places like this one.

I really LIKE both of these pics of me & Wes.  The coolest thing about them, though, was that they are the result of kind strangers.  At two different places, people saw us struggling to take a pic of ourselves and offered to do it for us.  I don't just like, I love the fact that there are still nice people to be found out in the world.


This was our first trip to the Smokies in the fall, and I didn't just like the scenery, I loved it!  These were some of my favorite scenic shots from the trip.  The weather was perfect the whole time.  Overall, a beautiful time of year to visit this area.

We stopped by Rock City on the way back home.  As we walked into the garden, one of the first things we noticed was that the famous birdhouses had all been painted pink in honor of October-- Breast Cancer Awareness month.  I definitely LIKED this due to the fact that my Gran is a survivor (6 years in December)!

Overall, I liked Rock City (through grown-up eyes--I knew I liked it as a kid).  We were worried it wouldn't be as cool, but some parts were even cooler.  Fat Man's Squeeze actually was a challenge this time!  Wes had to stoop the whole way through Goblin's Underpass, which I didn't see why it was a big deal back when I was 4'5" tall.  The swinging bridge was SCARY (but fun)!  And, you're never too old to enjoy a good photo opp.

Soooo....I guess that's it for this week's like list.  I'm going to be better about blogging according to schedule (promise).  For now, I'm going to watch the election results.  Have I mentioned yet that I LOVE  politics?


  1. Did yall go to Cade's Cove? It's my favorite!!

  2. Nope...We had both been several times, so we tried some new areas of the park this time. I like it too though!
