Thursday, November 4, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday (on a Thursday)

     Let me start by saying that I am SO off schedule this week!  First of all, last week ended on Thursday instead of Friday (not complainging, but it got me out of whack).  Then, we went on a mini-vacay, which wasn't part of the norm for sure.  Then (as if I hadn't had enough crazy), we were out of school Monday (once again, not complaining).  Let me just tell ya', a 4 day week at a middle school leads to craziness, the one last week would have been crazy regardless (think tornadoes), and then the fact that this is also a 4 day week makes everything even more messed up.  So, I guess my crazy schedule (I like routines) is my DON'T LIKE for the week (since Thursday's blog is really supposed to be "Things I Dislike").  The good news is that next week we''re out of school for Veteran's Day on Thursday, and then we have 1 full week before the week of Thanksgiving (which is 1 school day & a Field Day).  Although, since all these breaks lead to short weeks and craziness, I'm not sure that's such great news... :/

     In response to my tops-turvy schedule, I've not been very productive (at anything, including my blog).  Therefore, I'm posting Wednesday's post now because its too important to skip.

Weekly Weigh-In:  230.9 lbs....not alot less than last week, but I'm OK with any progress considering the fact that I didn't count points, and we ate horribly in Gatlinburg.  We did walk ALOT, though, so maybe it balanced out.


"Baked Pears"
  • 2 pears (cored & sliced)
  • 1/4 c. golden raisins
  • 1 T sugar
  • 1 T brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. nutmeg
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  In a small baking pan combine all ingredients.  Bake 30 min.  Makes 2 large or 4 small servings.  2 points per large serving.

Weekly Fitness:  My goal last week was to play the Wii for at least 3 hours.  Well, I have yet to dust off that balance board.  However, I walked at least 10 miles this past weekend both in the National Park, and in Gatlinburg & later in Rock City.  This week the Wii will DEFINITELY be used-- no matter what.

1) Goal: I will play the Wii for at least 5 hours.

2) Tip:  Drink at least 10 glasses of water a day.  No, that's not a typo...I meant 10, not 8.  Usually you see 8 glasses, but my doctor says that for weight loss 8 doesn't cut it.  He says that 10 is more like it, but anything over 8 is necessary for flushing since 8 is just what should be normal.  Weight loss requires you to go above and beyond normal. 

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