Thursday, October 28, 2010

Things I Dislike

The things that make me UNHAPPY (lately):

The scale is my enemy.  Seriously.  I weighed yesterday, and the results were unacceptable.  Which, makes me very unhappy since I have a love affair with food, and I don't really love physical solution is Weight Watchers and Wii (more on this in yesterday's post).


I almost didn't post this "dislike" just because its so disgusting, but we have these.  I usually see at least one or two a week.  I'm sick of it.  Everyone tells me that they're a problem in the city for everyone, and that the fact that our house is old and has old pipes is a contributor, but I still think they're yucky.  Hiring an exterminator is DEFINITELY on the agenda!  If you have any knowledge of a good one or what we might be looking at as far as cost or what type of service to request, please advise.


Livetext is torturous.  It makes something as simple as submitting an assignment (easily accomplished by sending an email attachment or even fairly easy on Blackboard) into an hour long process in and of itself.  Unfortunately, this is the program that we have to submit all of our grad work on at JSU.  Thank you Jesus that a Master's only takes 2 years and that my first semester is almost halfway over!

OK...I know some of my readers will disagree with this one, and that's OK!  I LOVE the political process (probably will be featured on my "Like List" Tuesday in honor of election day), BUT  I personally disagree (and therefore dislike) just about everything the Republican party stands for.  Maybe if the party functioned in the way it was traditionally created to function (think Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt) I would actually join you, but as it currently exists, it is a MAJOR dislike for me.  I'm not going to go off on a political rant and list all my beefs, but I will share my biggest one with you.  Most (not all...maybe not even most, but certainly the most outspoken members of the party) Republicans fall into a category of individuals that I "lovingly" refer to as "Rick & Bubba Republicans."  What I mean by this nickname is that these people are so hardcore right wing that they think liberals are evil, America haters who have no religion or morals.  I STRONGLY dislike this assumption, since I am a patriotic, Christian liberal.  I just happen to believe that morality shouldn't be legislated (think gay marriage, abortion rights, lottery, etc).  That's God's arena...not mine.
Now, with that said, I promise to only bring up politics very rarely.

So, with all that said, I will leave you on a positive note (because I really hate to be so negative).  Tomorrow is Friday.  We are out of school (due to race weekend and all the ridiculous traffic that will bring).  Wes and I leave tomorrow going to Gatlinburg for the weekend!  If I have internet I'll blog from there, if not, expect pictures on Monday.

Have a good weekend!!!

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