Sunday, November 7, 2010

Surf's Up & Scripture Sunday

     I haven't been able to do a whole lot of web surfing today.  We've been SUPER busy!  We went to Helena yesterday to Wes's friend Eric's house for the game (boo LSU).  Then, we woke up early today thanks to the time change (which, I LOVE).  We've been working all the house, doing laundry, cooking, and finally sitting for a few minutes before bed.  I always feel like if we just had a 3 day weekend I'd get everything done AND be rested when it was time to return to work.  Oh well.
     I do have 1 website I'd like to share though...  All you have to do is go to the site, give your email address and create a log-in, select your city, and they will send you an AWESOME coupon for that area each day in an email.  I'm signed up for both Birmingham and Montgomery, and I've seen some AMAZING deals.  Try won't be dissapointed.

As for scripture, I've decided to use the blog to help me reach another one of my goals.  I want to read the entire Bible.  I've probably read almost all of it over the years, but I want to read it front to back in order so I definitely won't leave anything out.  I'm starting that this week.  For now, however, I'll stick to my usual method of Bible reading.  I've always enjoyed opening the Bible to a random page after praying that God will guide me to what He wants me to hear.  I did this just now, and the verse that I opened to is, "Whosoever stops his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard. Proverbs 21:13"  This reminds me of a news story I saw about an inner city preacher this morning.  He was trying to explain the need that we have in America today, and he pointed out that we have a Haitii (or 3rd world country) in our own backyard in America.  Its bothered me lately that we are such an internationally generous country, but we often overlook the need that we have here while sending millions to other countries.  I'm not against aiding those countries, but think we should focus our efforts a little closer to home for the time being.  What do you think???

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