Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Re-cap

          Obviously, I didn't post at all last me :(  It was just one of those weeks that's the perfect combo of productive and lazy, and I just couldn't make myself sit down at the computer long enough to post.  I started the break off Tuesday afternoon by going to walk with Noemi.  I knew we wouldn't get another chance over the holiday, so I wanted to make sure this happened.  Then, Wes, the Cosper's, another teacher couple, and I went to eat at Marble City Grill.  This was most delicious (as usual), and then we went and burned off all the calories playing Dance Party on the Wii (FUN!).  The only downside to all this excitement was that Wes and I had to get up the next morning at 4:30 and drive to Albertville because he had to work Wednesday (but was off Thursday Friday and the weekend thank goodness).
          Wednesday night was when Wes's family had their Thanksgiving.  It was at my in-law's house, people weren't supposed to be there until 6, and when I got out of the shower at 2 half his family was already there (and I almost walked out in just a towel).  All that earliness aside, however, it was a nice visit.  Between it and my family's dinner the next day (which we drove back to Sylacauga for), I am scared of weigh-in Wednesday this week!
          Friday was the best day.  We spent that morning watching Roswell (this old WB show from when we were in Junior High that we've been watching the seasons of on Netflix), then watched the Iron Bowl.  Unfortunately Bama lost, but I've got to give props to Auburn for their great "Camback."  They were down by 24 at one point and somehow won the game by 1 pojnt...all that can be said is that it's just their year, so I hope they keep on shinin'.  After the Iron Bowl, Wes's sister (Kacie) and her boyfriend (Dillon) came down and stayed with us Friday night.
          Saturday might have tied for Friday as the best day come to think of it....we slept til about 9, and then Wes got up and made a breakfast casserole for everyone.  We sat around and watched movies, and a little after lunchtime his parents came down for a visit.  My parents came by too, so we had both of our families in one place, which just doesn't happen very often.  We had cake and coffee, and Wes, his dad, and myself planned out how we're going to remodel the sunroom doors and windows (This project is actually happening before the kitchen remodel, because it is his parents' Christmas gift to us!).
          Sunday was just lazy.  We laid around watching Roswell (which we are addicted to), and eventually I did a load of laundry.  Basically, the break was just long enough to make me wish it was Christmas break and that we were out for 2 weeks....::sigh::

Now for some shopping....Happy Cyber Monday!

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