Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday

Weekly Weigh-In:  229.8 lbs...YAY!  1.1 lbs less than lat week.  Slow, but...still progress.  I know I could do better if I edited my diet more (I'm cooking healthier, and trying to make better choices, but I know diet-wise I've still got a LONG way to go.  However, the fitness section will better explain my 1 lb. succes...


"Egg Salad"
  • 2 boiled eggs, chilled
  • 1/4 c. chopped onion (or celery if you prefer it, but I don't)
  • 2 T fat free Mayo (I thought ewwww at first, but mixed with other stuff it's OK)
  • 2 sugar free bread & butter pickle slices (diced)
In a small bowl, mash eggs with a fork.  Add onion and pickles, then stir in mayo.  Serve with your choice of whole grain bread or crackers.  Makes 1 serving (a BIG serving) and is only 4 points!  This is great for lunch or snack.  Personally, I like it better than some egg salad I've had because the bread & butter pickles are sweet but not super-sweet. 

Weekly Fitness:  My goal last week was to play the Wii for at least 5 hours (I thought bumping it up would be a motivator), but I've yet to play it.  I like the Wii....but by the time I make it home, I don't wanna think about working out.  I'm learning that in my home isn't the best place to try a work-out plan. of my teacher friends-- Noemi (I love her name, btw)-- decided we should start walking together.  We walked 2 miles Monday, 2 today, and are meeting at 10 am tomorrow (no school thanks to Veteran's Day).  I'm pumped about this because of my weight loss and because I think with a determined partner I'll actually see this thing through this time!!!

1) Goal: I will continue to walk at least 3 days a week.  (If I manage to dust off the Wii this week I'll reward myself with 1 medium caramel frappe from Mickey D's)

2) Tip:  It doesn't really matter what you eat, as long as you alter the rest of your food for the day or your workout to accomodate it.  Don't beat yourself up over a candy bar or let it ruin your entire day/week (which is what the old me would've done). 


  1. You're totally right about that whole "home isn't the best place to try a work-out plan" thing. I've found that taking my clothes with me to class so I walk straight to the gym before or after...or in best. Cuz I'm like, "I just carried all this crap here, and it's def not gonna be for no reason." And if I go home, I manage to find things to distract me until it's too late to get to the gym.

  2. EXACTLY! I regret the fact that I didn't take advantage of the "free" rec facilities I had as a student more often. :( Thankfully, however, there are some really nice walking tracks and parks in Sylacauga (where I live now).
