Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shopping Saturday (Kitchen Remodel)

     Wes told me yesterday that he had decided that he wanted to remodel the kitchen over the course of this next year, and that I get to pick everything out!!!  This is incredibly exciting.  For those of you that don't know, I am obsessed with interior design.  I sometimes wish that I had went to college to be a designer, but then I think that if it was my "job" it wouldn't be as much fun.  It is also exciting, because decorating is something that we both enjoy doing together.  Wes works at a company that builds mobile homes, so he does the construction type stuff every day.  Together we make quite the team.  In fact, I've had a couple of people tell us that we should open a remodeling/design business.  I mean, who needs a degree if you have talent and (in his case) experience?

     Anyway, I'm getting off on a tangent.  Today's blog is a showcase of all the kitchen products that we will be shopping for over the next year.  We don't really have the funds to do it all at once, so the plan is to buy stuff one piece at a time, store it (I knew buying a house with a storage room was a good idea), and then put it all together (hopefully about this time next year).

Here are our ideas:

Wall Color

Cabinet Color


Wood Countertops

Gray Slate Floor (ignore the tub)

Kohler Sink

Built-In Oven

Gas Range

French Door Refrigerator

Dishwasher!  (We don't have one right now so this is a big YAY!)

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