Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Things I Like (and my Christmas Wishlist)

I want to do a Christmas wishlist this week, but before I even go there I have to mention 2 things that I like love.

Wes and I got an account a few weeks ago.  It is thebomb.com (yeah, I know I'm a dork.)

We have 7 episodes left in the series.  It is one of the best shows ever!  Wes is coming down every night this week until we finish watching it...sooooo addictive!
And now (drumroll please) for my Christmas wishlist.....

  1. Anything on zales.com...Here are a few of my favorite sparkly items (all reasonably priced under $200):
    Diamond Infinity Ring


Pearls & Diamonds

Round Diamond Earrings

Pink Sapphire set in Rose Gold w/diamonds

Black & White Diamonds

          2.  A Christmas charm from Pandora would make a nice stocking stuffer...these are a 
              few that caught my eye:

 Pretty Poinsettia

 Oh Christmas Tree...how I love your two-toned metals!

This sleigh + presents is delightful (especially since its decked out with a garnet gem accent).

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...probably won't happen, but this snowflake charm would make a good replacement.

Star of Bethlehem (and a star as far as I'm concerned because of its dangliness & the fact that it's silver and gold).

         3.  A shopping trip to Barnes & Noble...the trip itself is a stress reliever, but anyone
               looking for gifts to give me should make a note that they can never go wrong with a
               gift card to a bookstore.

         4.   A gift certificate to.....

I went to a spa on our honeymoon and it was blissfull.
The facial was partiularly awesome.  This Birmingham spa
is supposedly really great, and they have gift certificates on their
website...and LOVELY sounding spa packages....ahhhh.....
           5.  Gift Cards from any of the following stores:
  • Buckle
  • Old Navy
  • World Market
  • Anthropologie
  • Magnolia's (a store in Sylacauga)
  • Buttons 'n' Bows (another local store)
  • Itunes
  • Target
  • Belk
  • Banana Republic
  • Gap
And one final note...I've been a very, very good girl this year :) 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Re-cap

          Obviously, I didn't post at all last week...boo me :(  It was just one of those weeks that's the perfect combo of productive and lazy, and I just couldn't make myself sit down at the computer long enough to post.  I started the break off Tuesday afternoon by going to walk with Noemi.  I knew we wouldn't get another chance over the holiday, so I wanted to make sure this happened.  Then, Wes, the Cosper's, another teacher couple, and I went to eat at Marble City Grill.  This was most delicious (as usual), and then we went and burned off all the calories playing Dance Party on the Wii (FUN!).  The only downside to all this excitement was that Wes and I had to get up the next morning at 4:30 and drive to Albertville because he had to work Wednesday (but was off Thursday Friday and the weekend thank goodness).
          Wednesday night was when Wes's family had their Thanksgiving.  It was at my in-law's house, people weren't supposed to be there until 6, and when I got out of the shower at 2 half his family was already there (and I almost walked out in just a towel).  All that earliness aside, however, it was a nice visit.  Between it and my family's dinner the next day (which we drove back to Sylacauga for), I am scared of weigh-in Wednesday this week!
          Friday was the best day.  We spent that morning watching Roswell (this old WB show from when we were in Junior High that we've been watching the seasons of on Netflix), then watched the Iron Bowl.  Unfortunately Bama lost, but I've got to give props to Auburn for their great "Camback."  They were down by 24 at one point and somehow won the game by 1 pojnt...all that can be said is that it's just their year, so I hope they keep on shinin'.  After the Iron Bowl, Wes's sister (Kacie) and her boyfriend (Dillon) came down and stayed with us Friday night.
          Saturday might have tied for Friday as the best day come to think of it....we slept til about 9, and then Wes got up and made a breakfast casserole for everyone.  We sat around and watched movies, and a little after lunchtime his parents came down for a visit.  My parents came by too, so we had both of our families in one place, which just doesn't happen very often.  We had cake and coffee, and Wes, his dad, and myself planned out how we're going to remodel the sunroom doors and windows (This project is actually happening before the kitchen remodel, because it is his parents' Christmas gift to us!).
          Sunday was just lazy.  We laid around watching Roswell (which we are addicted to), and eventually I did a load of laundry.  Basically, the break was just long enough to make me wish it was Christmas break and that we were out for 2 weeks....::sigh::

Now for some shopping....Happy Cyber Monday!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shopping Saturday (Kitchen Remodel)

     Wes told me yesterday that he had decided that he wanted to remodel the kitchen over the course of this next year, and that I get to pick everything out!!!  This is incredibly exciting.  For those of you that don't know, I am obsessed with interior design.  I sometimes wish that I had went to college to be a designer, but then I think that if it was my "job" it wouldn't be as much fun.  It is also exciting, because decorating is something that we both enjoy doing together.  Wes works at a company that builds mobile homes, so he does the construction type stuff every day.  Together we make quite the team.  In fact, I've had a couple of people tell us that we should open a remodeling/design business.  I mean, who needs a degree if you have talent and (in his case) experience?

     Anyway, I'm getting off on a tangent.  Today's blog is a showcase of all the kitchen products that we will be shopping for over the next year.  We don't really have the funds to do it all at once, so the plan is to buy stuff one piece at a time, store it (I knew buying a house with a storage room was a good idea), and then put it all together (hopefully about this time next year).

Here are our ideas:

Wall Color

Cabinet Color


Wood Countertops

Gray Slate Floor (ignore the tub)

Kohler Sink

Built-In Oven

Gas Range

French Door Refrigerator

Dishwasher!  (We don't have one right now so this is a big YAY!)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday

Weekly Weigh-In:  229.6 lbs...ehhh...Ok.  .2 lbs less than last week.  I'm not sure that really even counts, but at least it went down and not up.  Not to make excuses, but it has been a REALLY stressful week.  I have 2 grad assignments due Friday, and some MAJOR behavior problems that include lots and lots of paperwork at school.  I SO want to blog about the school stuff, because I think it would be quite therapeutic, but I'm not sure that would be the most professional thing to do, so that's all I'm gonna say.  I need to be less of a stress eater and more of one of those people who don't eat when they're stressed....that would be extremely nice.


"Sheperd's Pie"
1 1/2 lbs. ground sirloin
1 med. onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
2 c. frozen mixed veggies
3 Tbs tomato paste
1 14 oz. can sodium free beef broth
3 Tbs. flour
salt & pepper to taste
1 container refrigerated mashed potatoes (I use Bob Evans brand)

In a large skillet, saute the onion and garlic on medium for 5 minutes.  Stir in the beef, brown, crumble, and drain.  Add the frozen veggies, cover and cook on medium for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Meanwhile, In a separate bowl combine the flour and beef broth with a whisk.  Add the tomato paste and broth mixture to the skillet, stir, and cook uncovered for another 5 minutes or until the broth thickens.  Spray a casserole dish with non-stick spray, pour in all of the beef mixture.  Top with the mashed potatoes, using a spatula to spread them (like icing).  If you want to make it pretty, sprinkle paprika on the top :)  Cook for 20-30 minutes at 350 degrees or until the potatoes start to become golden colored in spots.  Serves 6 (big servings) and is 6 points per serving.

I made this wrecipe Saturday night because we had a couple of friends over for the game.  Everyone LOVED it!  It was so warm and comforting, but it was great to know that it wasn't "bad" for us.  Unfortunately, my dear husband insisted on garlic butter french bread, and THAT was bad I'm sure.

Weekly Fitness:  The walking idea has been a winner!  I LOVE how it makes me feel-- both emotionally and physically.  I'm getting into a routine, and in a strange way, I'm beginning to crave it.  As I mentioned in Saturday's post, Wes and I went and walked and played on the swingset that morning.  Monday, Noemi and I couldn't go because it was raining, so we went yesterday instead.  We plan on going  this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon, and I am hoping Wes will go with me again on Saturday....maybe to one of the tracks we haven't been to yet. 

1) Goal: I'm bumping my 3 day a week goal up to walking at least 4 days a week.  And I have to walk at least 2 miles each time.  My long-term goal is to turn this into hiking in some of the state parks (what a NICE, free Saturday that will be), and turn the walking on the tracks into jogging bit by bit....but I'm not there yet.

2) Tip:  I've learned to not let my whole diet go just because I don't lose much weight one week.  This is a lifestyle change, not a race.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Perfect Day

     Today has been a wonderful day!  Wes and I got up and went to the hopital ( I know, you're thinking that doesn't sound wonderful...).  Each year our hospital hosts a $5 jewelry and accessory sale for a fundraiser, and today was the day.  I got a Christmas present for someone that loves zebra print (Kacie, if you're reading this you still won't guess what it is), 2 necklace and earring sets that look like "Lucky Brand" designs, and a white jelly watch (ala Sandra Bullock in "The Blindside). 
     After that. we went back home to eat breakfast.  I had one of the Amy's frozen entrees (Cheese Enchiladas...yummy!), which Wes thought was a strange breakfast, but I think it accomplished dairy, whole grain, and veggies....and it was healthy (because Amy's foods always are-- see my list of websites on the right sidebar for more on Amy's!).  We then proceeded to be lazy for a few hours.
     Once our food had settled, we went to Noble Park and walked a mile.  This park in Sylacauga is fun to walk at because the track goes around an area with playground equipment and a skate park area.  Its interesting to watch the kids doing stunts on their bikes and skateboards.  Some of them are REALLY good!  We were inspired mostly by the swings, however, and decided that it had been too long since we had played on a swingset.  We spent a good 20-30 minutes swinging, and Wes even pushed me a little which was SO much fun!  I think we probably got a little bit of a workout in the arms and abs from the whole swinging process, so that's just an added bonus.
     After leaving the park, we came back to our house and settled in for a quiet afternoon of movies on TV, football, and online shopping for a bedspread.  I've narrowed it down to these (any opinions would be welcome):


     Now we're straightening up around the house.  My dearest friend (shout-out to Kristen McDaniel) and my almost favorite cousin (love ya' Nathan Harmon) are coming to watch the game (and by that I mean Alabama).  I'm making Shepherd's Pie (the weight watcher version, which will be my featured wrecipe on Wednesday), and I'm hoping that it turns out OK, because I've never tried this version before.  We're going to have some Apple Wine from the Applebarn Winery in Pigeon Forge (I'm sure the boys will stick with beer), and Wes is making garlic cheese bread.  Maybe the Tide will win, which is the only way (except for winning the lottery) that this day could get any better.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday

Weekly Weigh-In:  229.8 lbs...YAY!  1.1 lbs less than lat week.  Slow, but...still progress.  I know I could do better if I edited my diet more (I'm cooking healthier, and trying to make better choices, but I know diet-wise I've still got a LONG way to go.  However, the fitness section will better explain my 1 lb. succes...


"Egg Salad"
  • 2 boiled eggs, chilled
  • 1/4 c. chopped onion (or celery if you prefer it, but I don't)
  • 2 T fat free Mayo (I thought ewwww at first, but mixed with other stuff it's OK)
  • 2 sugar free bread & butter pickle slices (diced)
In a small bowl, mash eggs with a fork.  Add onion and pickles, then stir in mayo.  Serve with your choice of whole grain bread or crackers.  Makes 1 serving (a BIG serving) and is only 4 points!  This is great for lunch or snack.  Personally, I like it better than some egg salad I've had because the bread & butter pickles are sweet but not super-sweet. 

Weekly Fitness:  My goal last week was to play the Wii for at least 5 hours (I thought bumping it up would be a motivator), but I've yet to play it.  I like the Wii....but by the time I make it home, I don't wanna think about working out.  I'm learning that in my home isn't the best place to try a work-out plan.  Soooo...one of my teacher friends-- Noemi (I love her name, btw)-- decided we should start walking together.  We walked 2 miles Monday, 2 today, and are meeting at 10 am tomorrow (no school thanks to Veteran's Day).  I'm pumped about this because of my weight loss and because I think with a determined partner I'll actually see this thing through this time!!!

1) Goal: I will continue to walk at least 3 days a week.  (If I manage to dust off the Wii this week I'll reward myself with 1 medium caramel frappe from Mickey D's)

2) Tip:  It doesn't really matter what you eat, as long as you alter the rest of your food for the day or your workout to accomodate it.  Don't beat yourself up over a candy bar or let it ruin your entire day/week (which is what the old me would've done). 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Surf's Up & Scripture Sunday

     I haven't been able to do a whole lot of web surfing today.  We've been SUPER busy!  We went to Helena yesterday to Wes's friend Eric's house for the game (boo LSU).  Then, we woke up early today thanks to the time change (which, I LOVE).  We've been working all day...cleaning the house, doing laundry, cooking, and finally sitting for a few minutes before bed.  I always feel like if we just had a 3 day weekend I'd get everything done AND be rested when it was time to return to work.  Oh well.
     I do have 1 website I'd like to share though...http://www.livingsocial.com/.  All you have to do is go to the site, give your email address and create a log-in, select your city, and they will send you an AWESOME coupon for that area each day in an email.  I'm signed up for both Birmingham and Montgomery, and I've seen some AMAZING deals.  Try it...you won't be dissapointed.

As for scripture, I've decided to use the blog to help me reach another one of my goals.  I want to read the entire Bible.  I've probably read almost all of it over the years, but I want to read it front to back in order so I definitely won't leave anything out.  I'm starting that this week.  For now, however, I'll stick to my usual method of Bible reading.  I've always enjoyed opening the Bible to a random page after praying that God will guide me to what He wants me to hear.  I did this just now, and the verse that I opened to is, "Whosoever stops his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard. Proverbs 21:13"  This reminds me of a news story I saw about an inner city preacher this morning.  He was trying to explain the need that we have in America today, and he pointed out that we have a Haitii (or 3rd world country) in our own backyard in America.  Its bothered me lately that we are such an internationally generous country, but we often overlook the need that we have here while sending millions to other countries.  I'm not against aiding those countries, but think we should focus our efforts a little closer to home for the time being.  What do you think???

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday (on a Thursday)

     Let me start by saying that I am SO off schedule this week!  First of all, last week ended on Thursday instead of Friday (not complainging, but it got me out of whack).  Then, we went on a mini-vacay, which wasn't part of the norm for sure.  Then (as if I hadn't had enough crazy), we were out of school Monday (once again, not complaining).  Let me just tell ya', a 4 day week at a middle school leads to craziness, the one last week would have been crazy regardless (think tornadoes), and then the fact that this is also a 4 day week makes everything even more messed up.  So, I guess my crazy schedule (I like routines) is my DON'T LIKE for the week (since Thursday's blog is really supposed to be "Things I Dislike").  The good news is that next week we''re out of school for Veteran's Day on Thursday, and then we have 1 full week before the week of Thanksgiving (which is 1 school day & a Field Day).  Although, since all these breaks lead to short weeks and craziness, I'm not sure that's such great news... :/

     In response to my tops-turvy schedule, I've not been very productive (at anything, including my blog).  Therefore, I'm posting Wednesday's post now because its too important to skip.

Weekly Weigh-In:  230.9 lbs....not alot less than last week, but I'm OK with any progress considering the fact that I didn't count points, and we ate horribly in Gatlinburg.  We did walk ALOT, though, so maybe it balanced out.


"Baked Pears"
  • 2 pears (cored & sliced)
  • 1/4 c. golden raisins
  • 1 T sugar
  • 1 T brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. nutmeg
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  In a small baking pan combine all ingredients.  Bake 30 min.  Makes 2 large or 4 small servings.  2 points per large serving.

Weekly Fitness:  My goal last week was to play the Wii for at least 3 hours.  Well, I have yet to dust off that balance board.  However, I walked at least 10 miles this past weekend both in the National Park, and in Gatlinburg & later in Rock City.  This week the Wii will DEFINITELY be used-- no matter what.

1) Goal: I will play the Wii for at least 5 hours.

2) Tip:  Drink at least 10 glasses of water a day.  No, that's not a typo...I meant 10, not 8.  Usually you see 8 glasses, but my doctor says that for weight loss 8 doesn't cut it.  He says that 10 is more like it, but anything over 8 is necessary for flushing since 8 is just what should be normal.  Weight loss requires you to go above and beyond normal. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Things I Like (Rocky Top Tennessee Edition)

First things first...I'm sorry I didn't blog all weekend.  We had internet, but I just never got on the computer for longer than 5 minutes.  Anyhow...today's blog is supposed to be "Things I Like," but instead of random things my list will have a theme-- our weekend trip to the Smokies.

Things I Like (from our trip).......

We stayed at the Microtel.  This was the third time I've stayed at one of these, and I must say I like them.  It was only $60 a night, the bed was comfortable, the wireless was free, it had good water pressure, and the window (complete with window seat) actually opened to a great view of downtown.  Plus, it was in the center of Gatlinburg...PERFECT!!!

This was one of the first pictures I took...Wes dubbed it, "Bubbling Brook," which I thought was cute :)  I wanted to get out of the car and go sit on that log, because I definitely LIKE peaceful, beautiful, inspirational places like this one.

I really LIKE both of these pics of me & Wes.  The coolest thing about them, though, was that they are the result of kind strangers.  At two different places, people saw us struggling to take a pic of ourselves and offered to do it for us.  I don't just like, I love the fact that there are still nice people to be found out in the world.


This was our first trip to the Smokies in the fall, and I didn't just like the scenery, I loved it!  These were some of my favorite scenic shots from the trip.  The weather was perfect the whole time.  Overall, a beautiful time of year to visit this area.

We stopped by Rock City on the way back home.  As we walked into the garden, one of the first things we noticed was that the famous birdhouses had all been painted pink in honor of October-- Breast Cancer Awareness month.  I definitely LIKED this due to the fact that my Gran is a survivor (6 years in December)!

Overall, I liked Rock City (through grown-up eyes--I knew I liked it as a kid).  We were worried it wouldn't be as cool, but some parts were even cooler.  Fat Man's Squeeze actually was a challenge this time!  Wes had to stoop the whole way through Goblin's Underpass, which I didn't see why it was a big deal back when I was 4'5" tall.  The swinging bridge was SCARY (but fun)!  And, you're never too old to enjoy a good photo opp.

Soooo....I guess that's it for this week's like list.  I'm going to be better about blogging according to schedule (promise).  For now, I'm going to watch the election results.  Have I mentioned yet that I LOVE  politics?