Thursday, January 6, 2011

Things I Liked In 2010

I want to do a re-cap of all things good in 2010 (I know, I know, this should have been Tuesday's post, and Wednesdays are supposed to be weigh in's-- I promise I've been going to the gym and loyal to my vegetarian diet--and Thursdays are supposed to be Things I Don't like, but I started this post Tuesday, and just was too tired to finish it because we started back to school).  After deciding to make this list, I was a little overwhelmed because, fortunately, 2010 was a very good year for me!  I struggled with just how to go about tackling all the good, and ultimately have decided to break it down by month.  Soooooooo here goes:


This was the first full month in our new house!  We moved in right before Christmas.  This pic is the only one I have, and my brother took it from his phone.  I realize now that I really need to take some pics of it!

~I went shopping for my wedding dress!  It was far less exciting than I thought it would be.  I spent 4 hrs. in a dressing room being squeezed and pinched and thoroughly weighed down by pounds and pounds of various fabrics.  In hindsight, however, I wouldn't have traded the time with family and friends for anything in the world :)

~THE Alabama Crimson Tide won their 13th National Championship...ROLL TIDE!!!  We watched the 'ship over at our friend Kristen's parent's house.  Her dad has this huge taxidermy/various other man activities workshop, and they watch all the games in there.  We had shrimp boil and all kinds of other goodies.  As a bonus to all of that, it snowed that night and school was cancelled the next day!



~Wes and I attended Eric and Heather Collins' wedding at the Guntersville State Park Lodge on Valentine's weekend.  It was beautiful, and we had a wonderful time!

~That same weekend it snowed!  School was cancelled again, which was extremely exciting.  Wes's sister, Kacie, and I made snow angels, had multiple snowball fights, and attempted a snowman that was an epic fail.  Come to think of it, it snowed ALOT in 2010...


~This was a busy, busy month!  I conquered my first end-of-the-year IEP meeting, and wrote ALOT of IEPs....yay for me!


~I turned 24!  Of course, that really isn't all that exciting...especially since I don't even remember what we did (if anything) for my birthday.  Still, as always I thank the Lord for blessing me with another year of this "crazy, tragic, sometimes almost magic, awful, beautiful life!"

~We got an $8000 check in the mail for buying our house.  I wanted to frame it, but that wouldn't have been practical, so I took a picture instead.


~I finished my first year as a teacher......and got hired back for this year.....woohoo!!!


~I married my loverly Wes McClendon on June 12, 2010.  Here are a choice few of the many wedding pics:

~We left immediately after the weekend for a week long stay in Hilton Head Island, SC.  While there we went to Savana one day, the island lighthouse, took a dinner cruise around the barrier islands, rode bikes everywhere, spent 2 days on the beach, and I got a spa day while Wes got a golf day.  Then, to top it all off, on the way back we drove through Atlanta and ate at the Varsity (which Wes had never been to before).

1st Day at the beach!

On our carriage tour of Savannah, GA.

Our last supper on the island.

At the top of Hilton Head's lighthouse.


The entrance to greasy yumminess and American nostalgia.  If you've never been to the Varsity, get there quickly.


~We took a trip to Six Flags with Kacie and Dillon.  It was fun, but sooo terribly hot.  Ironically hot considering how cold and snow the winter was!  Also, Wes's power steering light came on when we were at the car for lunch so he and I had to drive to an autoshop with no power steering in 6 lanes of Atlanta rush hour.  Fortunately, it started working again before we found a place to pay....whew!


 ~I started my 2nd year as the 7th & 8th grade special ed teacher at Childersburg Middle...I LOVE my job!  I also love the people I work with, several of whom I also am lucky enough to count as personal friends.

~I started grad school online at Jacksonville State University.  If I don't screw anything up, I will have a Master's degree in Collaborative Ed 6-12 by summer 2012....woohoo!!!


~Our litte miniature dachshund, Bella, turned 1 on September 30...and she's still SO tiny to be full grown!  Spoiled rotten!
Bella Grace
~Fortunately, I work in a county that's economy revolves around a Nascar race.  And one of those particular races falls on Halloween weekend, so all the schools are closed the Friday before and Monday after said race.  We took advantage of this and went to Gatlinburg that weekend to see the leaves.


~Thanksgiving 2010 was as wonderful as ever.  We went to my Uncle's for lunch on Thanksgiving day, and Wes's family had their's the night before at his parents house.  Its kinda frustrating having in-laws that live 2 hrs. a way, but we're figuring it out.  No hurt feelings yet due to a missed get-together, so that's good!


~I finished my first semester of grad school with all A's...yay me!

~We added a new member to our family.  He's a dappled standard dachshund that is exactly 1 year older than Bella.  We named him Ingram because he has thick, strong legs like Mark Ingram, he's red and white like the Crimson Tide, and as a bonus Ingram is a German name (fyi dachshunds are German dogs).


~We had our first Christmas as a married couple, and he did good!  I got a snowflake charm from Pandora (perfect since it was the first white Christmas in Alabama in decades), an engraved 1st Christmas ornament, a $100 gift card to Anthropologie, a $50 gift card to Barnes and Noble, an Aveda spa gift certificate for a facial and massage, a $25 itunes gift card, a whole bag of red apple and buttered popcorn jelly bellies (my faves), and 3 different flavors of Ciao Bella gelato (which you can only get at World Market and are amazingness).  However, I did sadly realize a day too late that I took absolutely no pics.  Its sad, especially since we had Christmas Eve at our house with all my mom's family and Wes's parents and Kacie came and stayed with us.  Boo me for not taking pictures!

~We had a pre-New Year's Eve party at our house on the 30th.  It was a huge success.  Good times for all...but I won't blog any details on that subject... ;)

~New Year's Eve we went to Eric and Heather's house in Helena.  We partied there until 11, when an Excursion Limo (aka awesomeness) picked us up.  We rode around in it, went to a bar for midnight, and drove around downtown in Birmingham until it took us home at 2 am. 

Well, that's all folks....
Here's to auld lang syne!

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