Monday, January 10, 2011

Missing My Man

I really, really miss Wes.  I haven't seen him since he came home Thursday night because he had a work trip to Kentucky this weekend.  They made it back Sunday evening just in time for him to hunker down in Marshall County at his parents' house, and now he's snowed in and stuck on the days that we're both out of work.  To make matters worse, Sylacauga got absolutely no snow.  We don't have ice realy either, so that makes it better, but there's nowhere to go because all the surrounding areas have winter weather problems. 

I guess the bright side is that I have all the time in the world to work on my grad I don't suppose I should be complaining.

On a separate note, Auburn is about to pay Oregon in the BCS National Championship.  I won't say "it," but I will say Go SEC!!!

Guess I'm gonna go watch some TV now.


  1. I feel your pain. Dee is about to have to go out of town for work for the rest of the month. It sucks. On a separate note I had planned to mail you some stuff today because the post office was packed Friday after work...but the 8 inches of snow covering my house has permitted that. Hopefully it will get there soon.

  2. Well, I feel your pain too! Wes and I, unfortunately, have never been anything but some form of long distance. Even now, he stays with his parents 2 nights a week since he still works at Kabco in Boaz. Work trips would be bad enough by themselves, but added with our already limited time its just sucks.

    On a brighter note, I am definitely looking forward to getting the Vegas stuff, but I totally understand your snow situation!
