Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday

I did something brave yesterday!  I've done it before...and it worked...I just didn't stick to it (I'm bad about that!).  Actually, come to think of it, I did TWO brave things this week-- First, on Monday I weighed in here at the school for Scale-Back Alabama.  I'm part of a team of 4 that's competing against other teams, not just at our school, but statewide as well.  I'm embarrassed to tell you the results of the weigh-in, but since I'm being so brave this week I guess I'll whisper it to you...if you promise not to tell... (238 lbs).  OK, moving right along away from that awful HORRIBLE subject, you need to know about my other brave thing!  I joined Nutrisystem.  I ordered all the food, and I'm even more excited about it than I was last time because now they have frozen foods to choose from too that I just KNOW are going to be yummy.  Besides, I liked alot of the food last time I did it, so this time I knew what to order and what not to order (which I'm sure is going to help).  My food should be here in 4-10 days (I thought that was a rather ridiculous delivery window, but whatevs).  AND, to make it even better is the fact that I'll have less to do by eliminating cooking from the to-do list while I'm working on these grad classes that are KILLING me.  Which, may make you wonder about my dear husband, and what poor Wes will do during this time of no cooking.  Well, lovelies, never fear!  A) He knows how to cook, and actually enjoys doing it.  B) He is on a diet too, but doesn't enjoy many of the same diet-y foods as me anyway, so this just works better.

Anyway, as I re-read this I realize that I ramble.  I'm not changing it though.  I like that it sounds just like how I would've said it.  That said, have a HAPPY HUMP-DAY!!!!

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