Saturday, January 22, 2011

Borrow From Peter to Pay Paul?

That is how the old saying goes, right?  I think so... Anyway, that's about the only shopping that's been done this Saturday.  I got my refund check from grad school this week--woohoo...right?  I mean, it makes sense to take out loans that are fixed at 6.9% to pay off credit cards that range in interest from 10% to the high teens (Don't ever get a Zales card unless you just absolutely have to, which we definitely fall into the HAD to category since we looked everywhere before finally finding a wedding band that complemented Wes's grandmother's vintage ring, but still, it was unwise financially--glad that's over!).  Anyway, I feel better, because in essence we now owe ALOT less money (we only have 2 more cards to pay off), but it still seems weird to pay off debt by taking out loans...even if the numbers add up in our favor.  Dave Ramsey would be so disappointed :(

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