Thursday, January 27, 2011

Things I Don't Like

So far this week:
  • Rebuttal Speeches after State of the Union I know that sometimes the rebuttal will come from a person that I support and agree with, in which case I still feel this way.  I think that when our Nation comes together to listen to our President (even if its someone I don't like) that that is a time of togetherness and support...the time for debate should be suspended for that night.  People should be given time to really consider what he (or one day she) has said.  The arguments can (and should, because that is the spirit of democracy) resume the next day.  No rebuttals, no commentators, just the President and the People.
  • ADD, which I have found ways to cope with over the years (namely procrastination), but I have WAY too much on my plate right now to procrastinate, but I don't know how to function any other way than through short, intense, bursts of energy followed by days of unorganized distractions.  I've always been able to pull things together when it counted, but right now every minute counts, and its just too much for my haywire brain to process!!!
  • Skin Problems, which thankfully I've never really had before now, have popped up.  Stress is making me breakout, but that's not really the worst of it.  I'm going to the dermatologist today (first time in my life) because I have this weird, penny-sized round spot on the back of my neck that stays reddish pink and scaly.  Its been there for a little over a month, but instead of getting better, its getting worse (Can I say scared?).  Please say a little prayer for me if you're reading this before 3:30 (which is when I have my appointment.
  • Paperwork could probably go into the ADD category, but its such a big problem right now that I feel like I'm drowning.  Excuse the edu-speak I'm about to go into, and skip this section if you could care less about teacher stuff...OK, you were warned, so if you're still reading I assume you wanna hear it:  I have an IEP to amend, a behavior goal to change, a behavior plan (which I wrote one draft of already this week) to edit, signatures and dates to enter, forms to annotate and close, papers to grade, grades to enter, copies to run, tests to create, progress reports to run, and pageant forms and programs to work on (and this is just the stuff I have for work-- this does not even BEGIN to count all the stuff I have to do for my grad classes!
  • Fundraisers are the last thing on my list this week because I have mixed feelings about them.  I know how important they are, and its always fun to buy stuff, but it seems like that as a teacher there's always some kid selling something for some club or organization.  I can't say no to all of them and I can't say yes to all of them.  This leads to an agonizing internal debate, and sometimes seeing kids looking very disappointed (which I hate extremely dislike).

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