Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Weekly Weigh-In

This has been a fantabulous week in my pursuit of fitness and weight loss!  Now, mind you, I haven't so much as touched the scale since Thanksgivingish, and I'm sure I'm weighing in above the amount I started at when I began my blog, but progress has been made.  I joined a gym!  And not just any gym...SnapFitness in Sylacauga, which means that when I went for orientation yesterday a trainer worked with me to create a workout and teach me how to use all the stuff!  I've never worked out with a trainer before, but it was incredible!  This is also exciting because my friend Noemi, and my dear husband Wes have also joined.  In fact, Wes and I are going for his orientation (and me for another workout) at 11 (in 45 minutes).  I'm really pumped about having 2 friends that will be working out there, and I have a couple of others that are considering memberships, so this will be some super accountability!  Plus, its all very convenient because the place is a 24 hr. facility.  Plus there's a tanning bed (but I won't be using it until spring).  I'm not sure my New Year's week could be going much better!

As for my typical blog schedule, I promise no, in the spirit of resolutions I resolve to adhere to it during 2011.  I intend to get back to healthy cooking, and will be posting more wrecipes.  In fact, I'm going to go vegetarian again for at least a month.  I did this once for 2 weeks and lost 7 lbs. (this was without exercise!), but I gained it back immediately when I started eating meat again.  I just really want a strong kick start to 2011.

Speaking of 2011, we're having a party here at our house tomorrow night!  We thought about a New Year's party, but decided that we didn't want to compete with all the other parties.  So we're giving our friends the gift of a before party for New Year's.  So, instead of two nights of celebration, we'll all have the potential to have 2....which I think is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Sooooooooo................I might not get to post a blog again before 2011, so if I don't I want to go ahead and wish all of you a very happy New Year!  May you all have years filled with family & friends and all the love, happiness, and craziness that that entails :)

1 comment:

  1. Umm...I'm glad you're gonna get back on schedule. I love it when you blog :)
