Friday, April 15, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 24

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change

I don't want this to be a politicial blog, and so I don't usually blog about politics.  This is something I have to address, though.  I sincerely wish that Ron Sparks (the man on the right) had become our governor instead of Robert Bentley (the man on the left that looks like a character from the Simpsons). I want a lottery for this state, so obviously I wanted the democratic candidate to win, but now my reasons for wishing this are even bigger:

  • Governor Bentley is fighting against educators instead of fighting for them.  A bill is in the Senate as I type this that would cut teacher pay (we already only make about $1 per kid per hour, and that doesn't include after school activities and hours).
  • He wants to do away with tenure (there's a bill in the senate for this too).  How fair is that, when even corporate jobs have 90 day policies.  And, all other state jobs have some form of this.  Besides, bad teachers CAN be fired under current laws (its just a matter of whether or not the administrators fill out appropriate paperwork).
  • He's already cut budgets for education, police, firefighters, and other state jobs. (This is while leaving loopholes for large corporations that want to come to Alabama).
So, my question is this:

What have the public servants ever done to you, Robert Bentley? 

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