Thursday, April 14, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 23

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book

It would be nearly impossible to pick just one, so I'm not even gonna try...

This might seem like an odd choice to some, but you have no idea how great the love story is in this interesting sci-fi thriller!

I LOVE this book, especially since I've always tended to side with the villified, underdogs of the world!

If you've ever been interested in Greek mythology (or even if you haven't), The Percy Jackson & the Olympians series is one I HIGHLY recommend!

This one speaks for itself...I know its cliche, but so many people agreeing on the greatness of something can't be wrong, right?

I'm guessing no one's ever heard of this book or it's author (William Cooper), but if you think you know how the world works (or think you might care) you should read this book.  However, I warn you that you will never view history, politics, or any other government related thing the same again (think all the hidden histories and CIA secrets in one place-- the author is a former agent)

Childhood fave that I read and re-read at least once every year (the movie sucked though)!

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