Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday

First of all, let me say HELLO!  to all my readers out there...I know I've been sketch lately :/ and hope to make amends!

Also, I know I haven't followed my blog schedule in a while.  Partly because I got caught up in the photo challenge(which I do intend to finish...I can't stand leaving things undone), and partly because I kinda fell off the weight loss wagon.

BUT, I have good news to report...I'm back on the wagon when it comes to losing weight, and this time I'm more determined than EVER!!!'s my weekly progress report:

Last Wednesday (May 11, 2011): 234.9 lbs

Today (May 18, 2011): 226.4 lbs

Which means, in the past week I lost 8 1/2 lbs!!!

Why so successful this week you may be asking?  Well, I'll be completely honest...after trying every "healthy" diet in the book, I've resorted in eating less than 1000 calories a day, drinking TONS of coffee, and smoking (which, before you go get on my case about, I KNOW I can quit it, while I obviously can't quit food-- which is just as bad for my health).

So, here's my plan:

May: Eat less than 1000 calories a day, go to the gym (only if I have energy, and then burning a limit of 200 calories per visit), supplement the plan with as much black coffee or cigarettes as necessary to curb cravings.
June: Eat less than 1100 calories a day, go to the gym a minimum of 3 x week (200 cal. per visit limit), supplement with as much black coffee as needed (switch to decaf), take diet pills, and cut back to 4 cigarettes or less per day. *If I make it to the gym 3 x, I can have one "free day" of 2000 calories.
July: Eat less than 1200 calories a day, go to the gym a minimum of 4 x week (300 cal. per visit limit), decaf black coffee, diet pills, and 3 cigarettes or less per day.  *If I make it to the gym 4 x, I can have one "free day" of 2000 calories and one free treat or desert during the week.

After school starts back in August, I will re-evaluate my needs based on my progress. 

Wish me luck!!!