Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's supposed to be Weigh-in Wednesday, BUT.....

I would like to take a moment to admit to the world that I've fallen and I can't get up.  Just like the little old lady in those often-quoted commercials from the 90's (come on, you know which ones I'm talkin about), I'm down on the floor in a pickle.  Well, not literally down on the floor (that might actually be a good thing if I was down there to exercise).  Anyway, I obviously haven't posted on Wednesday since Thanksgiving, and I bet everyone can guess why.....

If you guessed it's because I've gained weight instead of lost you're exactly right.

It's also because I haven't been walking as much (due to this last blasted grad project of the semester).  And, of course, I haven't been following my Weight Watchers me.  And then there was Thanksgiving, and it seems we've been more social lately. 

Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.  Hopefully I'll get back on the wagon after this weekend (assignment due Friday, faculty Christmas party Friday night, dinner with Jessica and Brad Saturday night). 

Wish me luck.

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