Monday, December 20, 2010

What Are the Odds?

Wes and I have just made an AMAZING decision....we're going to Vegas!  The only problem is that we can't agree on when to go.  So, to be fair, I'll present both of our arguments, and then anyone who wants to comment can take a side.

What I Want:

I would like to go this summer.  It would have to be during the week of the 4th, because that is the only week that Wes gets off during the summer.  It's also (typically, although I don't know for sure yet) a week that colleges summer sessions don't have anything going on (and I will be taking a couple of classes this summer).  I personally feel like it would be better to go now, because Vegas just won't be the same once we have kids (not that we're trying, but you never know what might happen...lots of kids aren't planned).  I also tend to think that once you know what you want you shouldn't put it off because no one is guaranteed tomorrow, and as horrible as it might be to think about that kind of stuff, its a fact that you never know which breath will be your last (or the person you wanna go to Vegas with's last).  Sorry for the morbidity, but its true.  I will be getting about $8500 back this semester from a student loan (fixed at 6.9%).  I would like to use 1/2 to pay off one credit card and 1/2 to take the trip.  Keep in mind I have 3 more semesters, and I will get refunds during those as well.

What Wes Wants:

He would like to wait until next summer to take the trip.  He wants to pay off our biggest credit card (the one I had during for immaturity).  Then, he wants to use the next refund to remodel the kitchen, and then put the last two in savings (just in case I don't get tenured at the end of next year and can't immediately find another job).  If I get tenured, he wants to take the trip next summer as a celebration of that, and as a celebration of me finishing my Master's degree in Collaborative Ed (which will be finished that May).

After typing both of those, my honest opinion is that I can see his side...he also says that he can see my side.  Which, gets us nowhere with our decision. 

So what do ya'll think?  Should we go with my viewpoint, in the spirit of Vegas spontaneity, and go this regrets.  Or, should we be more cautious (doesn't seem very Vegas to me) and go next summer.  How much of a gamble would it be to go this year?  Are the odds in our favor???


  1. I would wait till the summer because if you don't, and you need the money, you'll be kicking yourself and it will put a pall on the trip. But that's me- why Philip hates my unspontaneity! :)

  2. I would wait :) I just think it's a smarter plan. And I love a good plan! haha

  3. I'm going to be the voice of UNREASON and say GO! I mean it's Vegas. I'm going at the end of the week and I think my Aunt did most of our planning with some pretty good deals. If you want I can give you some money saving pointers or whatever when I get back!

  4. So, the votes on here favor Wes...but, at least Erica has my back :) I still tend to think that UNREASON (as Erica points out) is much more suited to Vegas. I'll let ya'll know in the next couple of months what we decide...and Erica, no matter which summer we go, I will be seeking advice as to where to stay and play!

  5. vegas will be so fun, no matter when you go!! have you been before? i wanted to suggest that you read a blog post i did, where i share all of my "favorites" - favorite brunch, free activity, cocktail, etc.
    it's toward the bottom of this post :)

  6. I would wait. I wish I had used my student loans for something more practical and responsible. Vegas will still be there, and you never know whats around the corner. Pay off those credit cards, god I wish I had done that!
