Friday, December 17, 2010


First of all, I have a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT!!!  I have a new man in my life.  He's less than a foot tall, but really long, and he's red with white dappling all over....he's Bella's new little brother!  Our new 3 mo. old dachshund, Ingram!

So, right now I'm sitting here at school...waiting on early dismissal at one...then we're out for Christmas break...woohoo!!!  I'm taking both my children to the vet this afternoon.  In the meantime, between now and 1 pm, I'm bored.  I have lots of goodies (all the teachers brought snacks today), but I've already posted grades and cleaned my room.  That leaves me with only the internet to turn to, since I only have 3 kiddos in my room right now (and they're on the other computers).  While sitting here, I "rediscovered" something fun while trying to decide whether or not to delete my Myspace account....personality quizzes!  This popular Myspace past time is something I haven't done in a WHILE.  So, I thought it might be a fun distraction for an hour or so!

What's your name?  Loren Elizabeth Evans McClendon (I wanted to drop Elizabeth when I got married, but the people at the social security office wouldn't let me) 
Do you still attend school?  Unfortunately, yes.  I'm so ready to be done!  I've got a year and a half left online at JSU to finish my Master's, and then I am DONE!
Do you wish you were taller or shorter?  I'm alright with my height, but a few more inches would be OK...I could get away with eating more lol.
Do you wear glasses/contacts?  both, just depends on the day
What color is your hair?  Its been a lot of colors, but it's brown, and I get brunette added to pieces of it 
What color are your eyes?  dark brown
Your best physical feature:  I like my eyes....and I know it sounds weird, but I have good feet (size 7 is perfect for finding whatever shoes I want)
Your best personality trait:  I don't judge people based on their past or mistakes they may have made.  I'm also not judgemental when it comes to choices someone might make as long as they don't affect me.
Color?  to wear? browns & decorate with? red, black, white, and shades of gray
Non-alcoholic drink?  sweet tea
Food?  Do I have to pick just one?  Mashed potatoes, mexican, & ice cream (but not together)
Genre of music?  rap, country, pop, rock,etc...I like some of all
Band?  Bon Jovi & Train
Singer?  Alanis Morisette
Rapper? Young Jeezy, Lil Wayne, & Lil Boosie 
Movie?  Star Wars (the Empire Strikes Back is my fave of those)
Actor?  Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ryan Reynolds, Johnny Depp, Denzel Washington, Julia Roberts, & Sandra Bullock
Television show?  Undercover Boss, The Amazing Race, Keeping up With the Kardashians, Kourtney & Khloe, HGTV, Ancient Aliens (on History), & Criminal Minds       
Current song?  "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry
Concert you've attended?  3 Doors Down
School project you've done?  My portfolio (It's like a scrapbook of all my teaching experiences)
Place to be?  with family &/or friends-- I'm not really a loner
Favorite Books:  The Twilight series, the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, Behold a Pale Horse (a collection of CIA, FBI, and other government documents that were at some point classified...outlines the true goal of America and "The New World Order"), Wicked, & Life of Pi
Person to be with?  My loverly husband-- Wes McClendon
Flower?  Gardenia
Website?  facebook & my blog
Ice cream flavor?  Blue Bell Pecan Pralines & Cream
Pizza topping?  Pepperoni
State?  Sweet Home Alabama
Country:  God Bless the USA
Culture?  Ancient Greece
Religion?  When the roll is called up yonder I'll be there!
Politician:  Historically?  It's a tie between Lincoln & both Roosevelts...alive today? Bill Clinton
U.S. President?  See above question
Language?  I only know English
School subject?  Reading (which is what I teach!)
Accent?  Australian
Moment in History?  Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech
Eat or drink?  eat
Watch a movie or T.V.? has shows and movies!
Books or magazines?  book
Color or black & white films?  color
Cell phone or camera? camera phone
Rock or Rap?  depends on my mood
Country or folk rock?  country
Alternative or Indie?  alternative
Rap or hip-hop?  depends on my mood 
Screamo or metal?  neither 
Guitar or bass?  guitar 
Drums or Piano?  piano  
Water or soda?  water 
Pizza or hamburgerspizza 
Love or money?  love 
God or the Buddha?  God 
War or creation?  Creation 
Meat or vegetables?  vegetables 
Life or death?  Give me liberty or give me death.
If you could play any instrument, which would you chose? Why?  Piano/Keyboard because I would be able to share with other people the tunes to all the songs I've written 
Would you say music is an important part of your life?  fairly so
Have you ever seen your favorite band/singer in concert?  nope 
Have you ever been to a concert? How many?  4 
Do you play any intruments?  not really...i can play basic stuff on the piano
Last song you listened to:  "It was Only a Dream" by Nelly
Does this song have any meaning to you?  Not really....I guess it reminds me of stuff in the past, but I like the song
Last movie you watchedDisney's The Princess and the Frog
Did you think this movie was good?  yeah, I really liked it!  I wish they'd do more animation and less CGI stuff these days.
Did it make you laugh at all?  Yeah, in a few parts.
Favorite quote from a movie"So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause." ~Padme Amidala in Star Wars Episode III (There are TONS of great quotes in these movies, though.)  
Does this quote have any meaning to you?  I feel this way sometimes in America.  Too many young people are apathetic about our government, and I see that leading to the loss of liberty over time. 
If you had to be in a movie, what would the movie be about?  Romantic Comedy 
What's your favorite movie? Why?  Star Wars, because it covers so many genres in that one series.  Plus, I loved it as a child, so it has that nostalgic effect on me. 
Favorite movie character? Luke Skywalker 
What's your favorite book? Why?  I LOVE the Percy Jackson series because it bring Greek mythology (which has always been a favorite of mine) into the modern world. 
What's your favorite magazine? Why?  It's a tie between Real Simple & Southern Living       
Do you enjoy reading?  TONS!!!                                                                                                 Favorite quote from a book:  "Do not fear death, but rather the unlived life.  You don't have to live forever, you just have to live." ~Tuck Everlasting                                                   Does this quote have any meaning to you?  It's just a reminder that we're not guaranteed tomorrow, so we should live life to the fullest...I like the sentiment behind it.                          
Are you subscribed to any magazines? Which?  Southern Living & Real Simple             Favorite book character?  Jasper in the Twilight series                                                       Favorite book genre?  Young Adult Fiction                                                                                   Who is your best friend?  It goes through phases...I have several friends that have been around for a while now, though.                                                                                                         Do you trust this person a 100%?  All of them.                                                                            Do you have a lot of friends? Do you think that matters?  Yeah, I have a good many.  I think friends are important, but it doesn't take a lot to be happy. 
Do you still live with your parents?  Nope...I haven't lived with them since I was 18!      Do you have any siblings? What are their names?  David, Jordan, & Jonathan 
Were you adopted?  Yes  
Are you a twin? Nope
What is your current relationship status? Married  Are you happy about that? Why or why not? Very much so 
Do you need a significant other to be happy? I think Wes has greatly enriched my life....we're designed to have a partner in life! 
Have you ever been in love? I love Wes with all my heart. 
Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not? I don't think it's love, but I think that you can tell alot about your feelings toward someone right away.
Have you ever been kissed? I would hope so since I'm 
Do you want to get married? I am, and very happy about it. 
Do you like to keep your personal life private or spread it all around? I'm not very private, but I don't intentionally spread it. 
Have you ever had a broken heart? Is it healed now? Yes, and mostly.  I think if you truly loved someone, you never 100% "get over it."  I think "get past it" would be a better description. 
What is your favorite food? Mashed potatoes, Mexican, & Ice Cream 
Favorite Italian dish: Chicken Marsala 
Favorite Mexican dish: Can I pick all of 
Do you like Chinese food? Some 
What's your favorite kind of soda? Dr. Pepper & Sunkist 
Hot or ice tea? Is it hot or cold outside? 
What is one thing you refuse to drink? Alka Seltzer...I'd rather feel terrible. 
You refuse to eat? Mayo as a condiment...its necessary in recipes, though. 
Best thing you've ever eaten: the food at Calhoun's in Gatlinburg 
What are some of your interests? Blogs (and other internet distractions), books, ancient alien theory, conspiracy theory, religion, politics, cooking, & interior decorating 
The person you have the most in common with: Probably my husband...he really is my best friend 
What do you like to do when your bored? play online or games on on my itouch 
Are you a fast typer? pretty fast 
What is the weather like today? Are you enjoying it? Its cool, but not cold.  Cloudy, but sunny.  It's in an oxymoronic mood.
Are you excited for summer or would you rather be in school? I'd rather it be summer since I'm a teacher and still get summer of
Do you have a job? What is it? 7th & 8th grade Special Ed teacher at Childersburg Middle 
What are your plans for the future? I hope to finish my Master's in Collaborative Ed 6-12 in spring or summer of 2012, and I hope to continue working at CMS.  After the Master's Wes and I plan to start trying for some kiddos :) 
Do you believe Barack Obama will change things? I wish he could, but the President actually has very little power. 
What type of mood are you in today? A mixture of bored (because I'm done with everything at work), anxious (because I want to get home to my puppies), and excited (because I get out for Christmas break today, and Wes gets to meet Ingram this afternoon!).
Do you write on an online blog? Does it get a lot of hits? Yes...that's what this quiz is for, and I have 4 followers, but other people read it through the links I put on facebook. 
Would you consider yourself an interesting person? Sometimes 
What do you plan on doing after this survey? Going to the last period of the day, giving a math test to 2 kids, going home, take my pups to the vet, and clean house!

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