Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bucket List Update

If you've looked across the tabs at the top of my blog you've probably noticed that there is one titled "Bucket List."  Under that tab lies a list of quite a few random things I really want to do/accomplish before I die.  The interesting thing about it, is that I usually only review it a few times a year.  I don't really focus on the list, I just think that by writing the stuff down and putting it out there it will come to me...I don't really have to focus on it.  And, usually I accomplish at least 3-5 things per year (when I first started the list was over 100 things long in 10th grade).  This year has been no different.  I just reviewed my list, and I have already checked off 3 things (I'll edit the list at the end of the year):
  • Riding in a limo (did this on New Year's Eve)
  • Learning to French Braid (I just got tired of my bangs in my face when I work out and taught myself)
  • Go to a haunted house (I totally owned the Haunted Mansion at Disney-- not really...I was a total baby, but at least I didn't faint or anything!)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Unfortuantely, this is the genre/category my life falls in lately.  Its also why I haven't blogged.  I know the whole purpose of blogging is to get things off your chest/get advice from others/have a living record of life/etc., but sometimes I think the less you say about situations the better.  In other words, there's so much drama that saying anything would just add to the drama, so its best if I just keep my damn mouth shut (and for those of you who know me well, you know that is VERY hard...something I rarely think is the right thing to do, so based on that, let your imaginations run wild on the amount of drama going on).  I will only say that Wes and I are fine...this involves us both; however, it is not between us.  I only give that tidbit because this Sunday is our first anniversary, and I wouldn't want anyone thinking that there's trouble on the homefront (unless there actually was).  So hopefully I'll be able to blog again soon, but for now I better shut up because I'm getting more and more tempted to spill the beans.  I'll leave myself and you (whoever you may be who reads this) with some good advice:

"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
~Bambi's Mom

Monday, May 23, 2011

This weekend was...


Friday night I hung out with the usual crew...Philip, Nikki, Neal, Jaclyn, Johnathan.  We plotted last minute barn party details, had a low key dinner at Wendy's (love the cheap), and went to Wal-Mart to collect party supplies.

Saturday Wes and I were lazy most of the day.  We almost napped so long we were late to the party.  Which, since I had the playlist on my ipod, that would have been BAD.  But, we made it, and had a fantastic time.  There were a good many people from work there, and even some friends from other places.  We ended up getting home about 3 AM, but it was worth it!  And the best part of this is that there are enough leftover beverages to have a Part II this YAY!!!

Sunday (after staying in bed til about noon), Wes and I got up and went to the Rave to see the newest Pirates of the Caribbean movie.  It was good...not great (like I think the others are), but I would definitely recommend it.  Afterwards we got froyo at Yogurt Twist and then took the scenic route home.  This is probably the most fun part about having a reliable GPS.  The ability to get off the beaten path and discover new places within the same old ones we always visit.  It was so nice.  Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I love a Sunday afternoon drive!

Then, the icing on the cake was that John Rich won Celebrity Apprentice.  Wes and I have watched this season religously.  Him and Lil John were our favorites from the beginning, so that was exciting.

Seriously, it was a great weekend.

Friday, May 20, 2011

I've lost....

another pound since Wednesday...down to 225.2!  YAY ME!!!

My saving grace this week has been Rt. 44 Diet Cokes w/vanilla flavor added (only 80 calories for that size!), since I've been sick and can't smoke.  Which, has been a blessing, because I'm able to see that I'm obviously still blessed in the fact that I can quit cold turkey without a problem.  YAY!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday

First of all, let me say HELLO!  to all my readers out there...I know I've been sketch lately :/ and hope to make amends!

Also, I know I haven't followed my blog schedule in a while.  Partly because I got caught up in the photo challenge(which I do intend to finish...I can't stand leaving things undone), and partly because I kinda fell off the weight loss wagon.

BUT, I have good news to report...I'm back on the wagon when it comes to losing weight, and this time I'm more determined than EVER!!!'s my weekly progress report:

Last Wednesday (May 11, 2011): 234.9 lbs

Today (May 18, 2011): 226.4 lbs

Which means, in the past week I lost 8 1/2 lbs!!!

Why so successful this week you may be asking?  Well, I'll be completely honest...after trying every "healthy" diet in the book, I've resorted in eating less than 1000 calories a day, drinking TONS of coffee, and smoking (which, before you go get on my case about, I KNOW I can quit it, while I obviously can't quit food-- which is just as bad for my health).

So, here's my plan:

May: Eat less than 1000 calories a day, go to the gym (only if I have energy, and then burning a limit of 200 calories per visit), supplement the plan with as much black coffee or cigarettes as necessary to curb cravings.
June: Eat less than 1100 calories a day, go to the gym a minimum of 3 x week (200 cal. per visit limit), supplement with as much black coffee as needed (switch to decaf), take diet pills, and cut back to 4 cigarettes or less per day. *If I make it to the gym 3 x, I can have one "free day" of 2000 calories.
July: Eat less than 1200 calories a day, go to the gym a minimum of 4 x week (300 cal. per visit limit), decaf black coffee, diet pills, and 3 cigarettes or less per day.  *If I make it to the gym 4 x, I can have one "free day" of 2000 calories and one free treat or desert during the week.

After school starts back in August, I will re-evaluate my needs based on my progress. 

Wish me luck!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 24

Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change

I don't want this to be a politicial blog, and so I don't usually blog about politics.  This is something I have to address, though.  I sincerely wish that Ron Sparks (the man on the right) had become our governor instead of Robert Bentley (the man on the left that looks like a character from the Simpsons). I want a lottery for this state, so obviously I wanted the democratic candidate to win, but now my reasons for wishing this are even bigger:

  • Governor Bentley is fighting against educators instead of fighting for them.  A bill is in the Senate as I type this that would cut teacher pay (we already only make about $1 per kid per hour, and that doesn't include after school activities and hours).
  • He wants to do away with tenure (there's a bill in the senate for this too).  How fair is that, when even corporate jobs have 90 day policies.  And, all other state jobs have some form of this.  Besides, bad teachers CAN be fired under current laws (its just a matter of whether or not the administrators fill out appropriate paperwork).
  • He's already cut budgets for education, police, firefighters, and other state jobs. (This is while leaving loopholes for large corporations that want to come to Alabama).
So, my question is this:

What have the public servants ever done to you, Robert Bentley? 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 23

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book

It would be nearly impossible to pick just one, so I'm not even gonna try...

This might seem like an odd choice to some, but you have no idea how great the love story is in this interesting sci-fi thriller!

I LOVE this book, especially since I've always tended to side with the villified, underdogs of the world!

If you've ever been interested in Greek mythology (or even if you haven't), The Percy Jackson & the Olympians series is one I HIGHLY recommend!

This one speaks for itself...I know its cliche, but so many people agreeing on the greatness of something can't be wrong, right?

I'm guessing no one's ever heard of this book or it's author (William Cooper), but if you think you know how the world works (or think you might care) you should read this book.  However, I warn you that you will never view history, politics, or any other government related thing the same again (think all the hidden histories and CIA secrets in one place-- the author is a former agent)

Childhood fave that I read and re-read at least once every year (the movie sucked though)!