Monday, May 23, 2011

This weekend was...


Friday night I hung out with the usual crew...Philip, Nikki, Neal, Jaclyn, Johnathan.  We plotted last minute barn party details, had a low key dinner at Wendy's (love the cheap), and went to Wal-Mart to collect party supplies.

Saturday Wes and I were lazy most of the day.  We almost napped so long we were late to the party.  Which, since I had the playlist on my ipod, that would have been BAD.  But, we made it, and had a fantastic time.  There were a good many people from work there, and even some friends from other places.  We ended up getting home about 3 AM, but it was worth it!  And the best part of this is that there are enough leftover beverages to have a Part II this YAY!!!

Sunday (after staying in bed til about noon), Wes and I got up and went to the Rave to see the newest Pirates of the Caribbean movie.  It was good...not great (like I think the others are), but I would definitely recommend it.  Afterwards we got froyo at Yogurt Twist and then took the scenic route home.  This is probably the most fun part about having a reliable GPS.  The ability to get off the beaten path and discover new places within the same old ones we always visit.  It was so nice.  Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I love a Sunday afternoon drive!

Then, the icing on the cake was that John Rich won Celebrity Apprentice.  Wes and I have watched this season religously.  Him and Lil John were our favorites from the beginning, so that was exciting.

Seriously, it was a great weekend.

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