Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Things I Like

These things make me happy:

I got married to the most wonderful man in the world on June 12.  He makes me happy (almost) every day, and looking at our wedding pictures has become one of life's simple pleasures.  Here are a few favorites:

Also making me happy lately:

It FINALLY rained!  The sound of it on our tin roof was lovely.  Even better, its supposed to rain several more nights, and then the weather is supposed to be perfect for our trip to Gatlinburg this weekend (another happy thing!).

I love the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and so do the kids I teach!  We just finished the first book last week, and started watching the movie today (which is nice because it gives me some time to catch up on grades and work on my grad assignments).

This album rocks my universe right now.  There are so many great songs on it.  If you're going to listen to some music today, I HIGHLY recommend this one!  Check out my "Quote of the Moment" on the right sidebar for lyrics from my favorite song "What a Shame."

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