Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bucket List Update

If you've looked across the tabs at the top of my blog you've probably noticed that there is one titled "Bucket List."  Under that tab lies a list of quite a few random things I really want to do/accomplish before I die.  The interesting thing about it, is that I usually only review it a few times a year.  I don't really focus on the list, I just think that by writing the stuff down and putting it out there it will come to me...I don't really have to focus on it.  And, usually I accomplish at least 3-5 things per year (when I first started the list was over 100 things long in 10th grade).  This year has been no different.  I just reviewed my list, and I have already checked off 3 things (I'll edit the list at the end of the year):
  • Riding in a limo (did this on New Year's Eve)
  • Learning to French Braid (I just got tired of my bangs in my face when I work out and taught myself)
  • Go to a haunted house (I totally owned the Haunted Mansion at Disney-- not really...I was a total baby, but at least I didn't faint or anything!)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Unfortuantely, this is the genre/category my life falls in lately.  Its also why I haven't blogged.  I know the whole purpose of blogging is to get things off your chest/get advice from others/have a living record of life/etc., but sometimes I think the less you say about situations the better.  In other words, there's so much drama that saying anything would just add to the drama, so its best if I just keep my damn mouth shut (and for those of you who know me well, you know that is VERY hard...something I rarely think is the right thing to do, so based on that, let your imaginations run wild on the amount of drama going on).  I will only say that Wes and I are fine...this involves us both; however, it is not between us.  I only give that tidbit because this Sunday is our first anniversary, and I wouldn't want anyone thinking that there's trouble on the homefront (unless there actually was).  So hopefully I'll be able to blog again soon, but for now I better shut up because I'm getting more and more tempted to spill the beans.  I'll leave myself and you (whoever you may be who reads this) with some good advice:

"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
~Bambi's Mom