Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 13

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist

This paticular one is so very, very hard!  I LOVE so many different types of music.  Its also hard because this list is ever-changing.  My favorites change.  So, I guess I'll just do it by category:

Brad Paisley's lyrics can make me laugh, cry, and be inspired all on one album.  The man knows how to tell a story through a song, and for that I love him.

Shinedown.  Awesome beats, lyrics, and voice.  Their new album-- "The Sound of Madness" is the best yet.

Classic Rock:
I loved Bon Jovi when I was in 5th grade.  I love Bon Jovi (their 80's stuff) even now.  Plus, I've always thought that Jon was HOT (for an old man).

Young Jeezy just has a way of getting me pumped up.  He's my favorite artist to roll down the road with the speakers blasting through the sunroof.  SO addicting!

Katy Perry is my fave in this category not just for her music.  I love her personality.  I love to read interviews with her.  And, as a bonus, I love her husband (Russell Brand).

The Beatles have to be my ultimate favorite.  I might not listen to their music all the time, but I probably love more songs by them than just about any other group ever.  They're timeless, which I totally dig.

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